The Langley Files

File 018: Part III

I thought of the years and the incredible work and sacrifice that so many professionals put forward to get Bin Laden before 9/11 and certainly after. And I mentioned that marathon and all of those who ran any mile marker along that marathon and all of that effort and to be a part of the result phase – the end phase, uh, was so rewarding. And that was kind of my mantra – don’t confuse effort with results. And certainly, all of that effort led to that result.”

September 13, 2024
Season 3 File 018: Part III

The 9/11 Survivor Turned CIA Usama Bin Laden Tracker - Finding Bin Laden

Part III: Finding Bin Laden. On May 2, 2011, officials with a “need to know” monitored the highly sensitive US operation against the most wanted terrorist in the world in real time. But for a CIA officer named Kevin watching that night, the mission against Al Qaeda’s seniormost leader had a uniquely personal resonance. Because as a young Navy officer working in the Pentagon, he had nearly died on September 11th, 2001. Sustaining extensive injuries in the attack, he was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center, where doctors were unsure whether he would survive; later, in recovery, he would flatline twice. But his story was far from over. Because Kevin would overcome his injuries, join the CIA, and ultimately take his place on the CIA team tracking down the terrorist leader who oversaw the attacks: Usama Bin Laden. And on this special, three-part episode of The Langley Files, Kevin returns to CIA Headquarters to share his incredible journey. In this third and final part of File 018, Kevin's story comes full circle. As the clock ticks down to perhaps the most famous special forces mission in history, Kevin shares with you a one-of-a-kind, insider's look at the final chapter of the search for Bin Laden. Hear what it was like in one of the designated centers watching the operation unfold live, the unique role Kevin played in the aftermath of the raid--and about the first phone call he made upon learning its outcome, to a person he met on September 11th, 2001. It's the powerful conclusion to a part of this story that's never been told--until now.

Look Inside File 018: Part III

Kevin discussed the extreme secrecy in which the mission against Usama Bin Laden was planned, but you can now see a replica of the model of Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound that was used to prepare for the operation: Model of Abbottabad Compound - CIA.  It stands today in the CIA Museum.

US forces recovered an enormous amount of material from Bin Laden’s compound—and you can see much of it for yourself here, after public releases by the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the interest of transparency and to enhance public understanding. The materials were sent all the way from Abbottabad to the United States for analysis—and you now know the CIA officer who brought key portions of it back to Langley just days after the raid.