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Field Listing

Political parties

235 Results

This entry includes a listing of significant political parties, coalitions, and electoral lists as of each country's last legislative election, unless otherwise noted. Parties that do not win a seat in national elections are usually not included.


the Taliban Government enforces an authoritarian state and has banned other political parties; note - before 15 August 2021, the Ministry of Justice had licensed 72 political parties as of April 2019

the Taliban have banned other political parties but have allowed some party leaders, including the head of Hezb-e-Islami, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, to continue to live and work in Afghanistan; Hekmatyar likely continues to enjoy some political support from loyalists; leaders of other parties, including Jamiat-e-Islami’s Salahuddin Rabbani and Jumbesh’s Rashid Dostum, operate from abroad but likely also command some following within Afghanistan; note - before 15 August 2021, the Ministry of Justice had licensed 72 political parties as of April 2019


Alliance for Change (electoral coalition led by PD)
Democratic Party or PD 
Party for Justice, Integration and Unity or PDIU (part of the Alliance for Change)
Social Democratic Party or PSD
Freedom Party of Albania or PL (formerly the Socialist Movement for Integration or LSI)
Socialist Party or PS 


Algerian National Front or FNA
Algerian Popular Movement or MPA
Algeria's Hope Rally or TAJ
Dignity or El Karama
El Mostakbal (Future Front)
Ennour El Djazairi Party (Algerian Radiance Party) or PED
Equity and Proclamation Party or PEP
Islamic Renaissance Movement or Ennahda Movement
Justice and Development Front or FJD
Movement for National Reform or El Islah
Movement of Society for Peace or MSP
National Construction Movement or El-Bina (Harakat El-Binaa El-Watani)
National Democratic Rally (Rassemblement National Democratique) or RND
National Front for Social Justice or FNJS
National Liberation Front or FLN
National Militancy Front or FMN
National Party for Solidarity and Development or PNSD
National Republican Alliance or ANR
New Dawn Party (El-Fajr El-Jadid)
New Generation (Jil Jadid)
Oath of 1954 or Ahd 54
Party of Justice and Liberty or PLJ
Rally for Culture and Democracy or RCD
Socialist Forces Front or FFS
Union for Change and Progress or UCP
Union of Democratic and Social Forces or UFDS
Vanguard of Liberties (Talaie El Hurriyet)
Workers Party or PT
Youth Party or PJ

note: a law banning political parties based on religion was enacted in March 1997

American Samoa

Democratic Party
Republican Party


Action for Andorra or ACCIO 
Committed Citizens or CC 
Democrats for Andorra or DA 
Forward Andorra or AE 
Liberals of Andorra or L'A 
Social Democratic Party or PS 
Social Democracy and Progress or SDP 

note: Andorra has several smaller parties at the parish level (one is Lauredian Union)


Broad Convergence for the Salvation of Angola Electoral Coalition or CASA-CE 
Humanist Party of Angola or PHI 
National Front for the Liberation of Angola or FNLA; note - party has two factions
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola or UNITA (largest opposition party)
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola or MPLA; note- ruling party in power since 1975
Social Renewal Party or PRS 


Anguilla Progressive Movement or APM; (formerly Anguilla United Movement or AUM)
Anguilla United Front or AUF

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua Labor Party or ABLP
Barbuda People's Movement or BPM
Democratic National Alliance or DNA
Go Green for Life or GGL
United Progressive Party or UPP


Avanza Libertad or AL
Civic Coalition ARI or CC-ARI
Consenso Federal (Federal Consensus) or CF
Frente Cívico por Santiago (Civic Front for Santiago)
Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores – Unidad (Workers' Left Front) or FIT-U (coalition of leftist parties in lower house; includes PTS, PO, and MST)
Frente de la Concordia Misionero (Front for the Renewal of Social Concord) or FRCS
Frente Renovador (Renewal Front) or FR
Generación por un Encuentro Nacional (Generation for a National Encounter) or GEN
Hacemos por Córdoba (We do for Cordoba) or HC
Hacemos por Nuestro Pais (We Do For Our Country) or NHP
Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change) or JxC (includes CC-ARI, PRO, and UCR); note - primary opposition coalition since 2019
Juntos Somos Río Negro (Together We Are Rio Negro) or JSRN 
Partido Justicialista (Justicialist Party) or PJ
La Cámpora
La Libertad Avanza (The Liberty Advances) or LLA
Movimiento Popular Neuquino (Neuquén People's Movement) or MPN
Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores (Workers' Socialist Movement) or MST
Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (Socialist Workers' Party) or PTS
Partido Demócrata (Democratic Party) or PDN
Partido Libertario (Libertarian Party) or PL; note - party is also a founding member of the coalition La Libertad Avanza
Partido Obrero (Workers' Party) or PO
Partido Socialista or PS
Propuesta Republicana (Republican Proposal) or PRO
Unidad Federal (coalition of provencial parties in the lower house; includes FRCS and JSRN)
Unión Cívica Radical (Radical Civic Union) or UCR
Unión por la Patria (Union for the Homeland) or UP (formerly Frente de Todos (Everyone's Front) or FdT) (includes FR, La Cámpora, and PJ); note - ruling coalition since 2019; includes several national and provincial Peronist political parties
Vamos con Vos (Let's Go with You) or VcV


Armenia Alliance or HD
Armenian National Congress or ANC
Bright Armenia
Civil Contract or KP
Country To Live In
Homeland of Armenians
Homeland Party
I Have Honor Alliance (formerly known as the Republican Party of Armenia) PUD
Liberal Party
National Democratic Party
Prosperous Armenia or BHK
Republic Party (Hanrapetutyun Party)


Aruban People's Party or AVP
Democratic Network or RED
Movimiento Aruba Soberano (Aruban Sovereignty Movement) or MAS
People's Electoral Movement Party or MEP
Pueblo Orguyoso y Respeta or POR


Australian Greens Party or The Greens 
Australian Labor Party or ALP 
Centre Alliance (formerly known as the Nick Xenophon Team or NXT)
Jacqui Lambie Network or JLN 
Katter's Australian Party 
Liberal Party of Australia 
The Nationals 
One Nation or ONP 
United Australia Party 

note: the Labor Party is Australia’s oldest political party, established federally in 1901; the present Liberal Party was formed in 1944; the Country Party was formed in 1920, renamed the National Country Party in 1975, the National Party of Australia in 1982, and since 2003 has been known as the Nationals; since the general election of 1949, the Liberal Party and the Nationals (under various names) when forming government have done so as a coalition


Austrian People's Party or OeVP 
Freedom Party of Austria or FPOe 
The Greens - The Green Alternative 
NEOS - The New Austria and Liberal Forum 
Social Democratic Party of Austria or SPOe 


Civic Solidarity Party or VHP
Democratic Reforms Party DiP
Great Order Party or BQP
Motherland Party or AVP
Party for Democratic Reforms or DIP
Republican Alternative Party or REAL
Unity Party or VƏHDƏT
Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party or BAXCP
New Azerbaijan Party (Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyasi) or YAP

Bahamas, The

Coalition of Independents Party or COI
Democratic National Alliance or DNA
Free National Movement or FNM
Progressive Liberal Party or PLP


note:  political parties are prohibited, but political societies were legalized under a July 2005 law


Awami League or AL
Bangladesh Jamaat-i-Islami or JIB
Bangladesh Nationalist Party or BNP
Islami Andolan Bangladesh
Jatiya Party or JP (Ershad faction)
Jatiya Party or JP (Manju faction)
National Socialist Party (Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal) or JSD
Workers Party or WP



Alliance Party for Progress or APP
Barbados Labor Party or BLP
Democratic Labor Party or DLP


Belaya Rus or BR
Republican Party of Labour and Justice or RPTS
Communist Party of Belarus or CBP
Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus or LDPB


Flemish parties:
Christian Democratic and Flemish or CD&V 
Vooruit or Forward (formerly Social Progressive Alternative or SP.A)
Groen or Green (formerly AGALEV, Flemish Greens)
New Flemish Alliance or N-VA 
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats or Open VLD 
Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) or VB 
Francophone parties:
Ecolo (Francophone Greens) 
Francophone Federalist Democrats or Defi 
Les Engages (formerly Humanist and Democratic Center or CDH)
Reform Movement or MR 
Socialist Party or PS 
Workers' Party or PVDA-PTB


Belize People’s Front or BPF
Belize Progressive Party or BPP (formed in 2015 from a merger of the People's National Party, elements of the Vision Inspired by the People, and other smaller political groups)
People's United Party or PUP
United Democratic Party or UDP
Vision Inspired by the People or VIP


African Movement for Development and Progress or MADEP 
Benin Renaissance or RB 
Cowrie Force for an Emerging Benin or FCBE 
Democratic Renewal Party or PRD 
Progressive Union for Renewal 
Republican Bloc 
Sun Alliance or AS 
The Democrats 
Union Makes the Nation or UN (includes PRD, MADEP)

note: approximately 20 additional minor parties


Free Democratic Movement or FDM
One Bermuda Alliance or OBA
Progressive Labor Party or PLP


Bhutan Peace and Prosperity Party (Druk Phuensum Tshogpa) or DPT
Bhutan Tendrel Party or BTP
Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa or DTT
People's Democratic Party or PDP
United Party of Bhutan (Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa) or DNT


Community Citizen Alliance or ACC
Front for Victory or FPV
Movement Toward Socialism or MAS
National Unity or UN
Revolutionary Left Front or FRI
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement or MNR
Social Democrat Movement or MDS
Third System Movement or MTS
We Believe or Creemos

note: We Believe or Creemos [Luis Fernando CAMACHO Vaca] is a coalition comprised of several opposition parties that participated in the 2020 election, which includes the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) and Solidarity Civic Unity (UCS)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alliance of Independent Social Democrats or SNSD 
Bosnian-Herzegovinian Initiative or BHI KF 
Civic Alliance or GS 
Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina or HDZ-BiH 
Democratic Front or DF 
Democratic Union or DEMOS
For Justice and Order
Our Party or NS/HC 
Party for Democratic Action or SDA 
Party of Democratic Progress or PDP 
People and Justice Party or NiP
People's European Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina or NES 
Serb Democratic Party or SDS 
Social Democratic Party or SDP
United Srpska or US


Alliance of Progressives or AP 
Botswana Congress Party or BCP 
Botswana Democratic Party or BDP 
Botswana National Front or BNF [Duma BOKO]Botswana Patriotic Front or BPF 
Botswana Peoples Party or BPP 
Botswana Republic Party or BRP 
Umbrella for Democratic Change or UDC (various times the coalition has included the BPP, BCP, BNF and other parties)


Act (Agir) (formerly Christian Labor Party or PTC)
Avante (formerly Labor Party of Brazil or PTdoB)
Brazil Union (União Brasil); note - founded from a merger between the Democrats (DEM) and the Social Liberal Party (PSL) 
Brazilian Communist Party or PCB
Brazilian Democratic Movement or MDB
Brazilian Labor Party or PTB
Brazilian Renewal Labor Party or PRTB
Brazilian Labor Party or PTB
Brazilian Social Democracy Party or PSDB
Brazilian Socialist Party or PSB
Christian Democracy or DC (formerly Christian Social Democratic Party)
Cidadania (formerly Popular Socialist Party or PPS)
Communist Party of Brazil or PCdoB
Democratic Labor Party or PDT
Democratic Party or PSDC
Democrats or DEM (formerly Liberal Front Party or PFL); note - dissolved in February 2022
Green Party or PV
Liberal Party or PL [Valdemar Costa Neto] (formerly Party of the Republic or PR)
National Mobilization Party or PMN
New Party or NOVO
Patriota (formerly National Ecologic Party or PEN)
Podemos (formerly National Labor Party or PTN)
Progressive Party (Progressistas) or PP
Republican Social Order Party or PROS
Republicans (Republicanos) (formerly Brazilian Republican Party or PRB)
Social Christian Party or PSC
Social Democratic Party or PSD
Social Liberal Party or PSL
Socialism and Freedom Party or PSOL
Solidarity or SD
Sustainability Network or REDE
United Socialist Workers' Party or PSTU
Workers' Cause Party or PCO
Workers' Party or PT

British Virgin Islands

National Democratic Party or NDP
Progressive Virgin Islands Movement or PVIM
Progressives United or PU
Virgin Islands Party or VIP


National Development Party or NDP

note: the NDP is Brunei’s only registered party, but does not have representation in the Legislative Council, which is appointed


BSP for Bulgaria (electoral alliance of BSP, PKT, Ecoglasnost)
Bulgarian Rise or BV
Bulgarian Socialist Party or BSP
Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria or GERB (alliance with SDS) 
Democratic Bulgaria or DB (electoral alliance of Yes! Bulgaria, DSB, and The Greens) 
Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria or DSB
Green Movement or The Greens 
Movement for Rights and Freedoms or DPS
Political Club Thrace or PKT
Stand Up.BG or IS.BG
There is Such a People or ITN
Union of Democratic Forces or SDS (alliance with GERB) 
Yes! Bulgaria 
We Continue the Change or PP 
We Continue the Change and Democratic Bulgaria or PP-DB (electoral alliance of PP, DB, Yes! Bulgaria)

Burkina Faso

Act Together
African Democratic Rally/Alliance for Democracy and Federation or ADF/RDA
Congress for Democracy and Progress or CDP
Convergence for Progress and Solidarity-Generation 3 or CPS-G3
Movement for the Future Burkina Faso or MBF
National Convention for Progress or CNP
New Era for Democracy or NTD
Pan-African Alliance for Refoundation or APR
Party for Democracy and Socialism/Metba or PDS/Metba
Party for Development and Change or PDC
Patriotic Rally for Integrity or RPI
Peoples Movement for Progress or MPP
Progressives United for Renewal or PUR
Union for Progress and Reform or UPC
Union for Rebirth - Sankarist Party or UNIR-PS


Arakan National Party or ANP 
Democratic Party or DP 
Kayah State Democratic Party or KySDP
Kayin People's Party or KPP 
Kokang Democracy and Unity Party or KDUP 
La Hu National Development Party or LHNDP 
Lisu National Development Party or LNDP 
Mon Unity Party (formed in 2019 from the All Mon Region Democracy Party and Mon National Party)
National Democratic Force or NDF 
National League for Democracy or NLD 
National Unity Party or NUP 
Pa-O National Organization or PNO 
People's Party 
Shan Nationalities Democratic Party or SNDP 
Shan Nationalities League for Democracy or SNLD 
Ta'ang National Party or TNP 
Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party or TNDP 
Union Solidarity and Development Party or USDP 
Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State or UDPKS 
Wa Democratic Party or WDP 
Wa National Unity Party or WNUP 
Zomi Congress for Democracy or ZCD 

note: more than 90 political parties participated in the 2020 elections; political parties continued to function after the 2021 coup, although some political leaders have been arrested by the military regime; in 2023, the regime announced a new law with several rules and restrictions on political parties and their ability to participate in elections; dozens of parties refused to comply with the new rules; the regime's election commission has subsequently banned more than 80 political parties, including the National League for Democracy


Council for Democracy and the Sustainable Development of Burundi or CODEBU 
Front for Democracy in Burundi-Sahwanya or FRODEBU-Sahwanya 
National Council for the Defense of Democracy - Front for the Defense of Democracy or CNDD-FDD 
National Congress for Liberty or CNL 
National Liberation Forces or FNL 
Union for National Progress (Union pour le Progress Nationale) or UPRONA 

Cabo Verde

African Party for Independence of Cabo Verde or PAICV 
Democratic and Independent Cabo Verdean Union or UCID 
Democratic Christian Party or PDC 
Democratic Renewal Party or PRD 
Movement for Democracy or MPD 
Party for Democratic Convergence or PCD 
Party of Work and Solidarity or PTS 
Social Democratic Party or PSD 


Candlelight Party or CP
Cambodian People's Party or CPP 
Khmer Will Party or KWP

note 1: 18 parties registered to run in the 2023 parliamentary election

note 2:  the Cambodian Government disqualified the Candlelight Party, the main opposition party, from the July 2023 election


Alliance for Democracy and Development 
Cameroon People's Democratic Movement or CPDM 
Cameroon People's Party or CPP 
Cameroon Renaissance Movement or MRC 
Cameroonian Democratic Union or UDC 
Cameroonian Party for National Reconciliation or PCRN 
Front for the National Salvation of Cameroon or FSNC 
Movement for the Defense of the Republic or MDR 
Movement for the Liberation and Development of Cameroon or MLDC 
National Union for Democracy and Progress or UNDP 
Progressive Movement or MP 
Social Democratic Front or SDF 
Union of Peoples of Cameroon or UPC 
Union of Socialist Movements 


Bloc Quebecois
Conservative Party of Canada or CPC
Green Party
Liberal Party
New Democratic Party or NDP
People's Party of Canada

Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands Peoples Party or CIPP
People's Progressive Movement or PPM

Central African Republic

Action Party for Development or PAD
African Party for Radical Transformation and Integration of States or PATRIE
Alliance for Democracy and Progress or ADP
Be Africa ti e Kwe (also known as Central Africa for Us All or BTK)
Central African Democratic Rally or RDC
Central African Party for Integrated Development or PCDI
Democratic Movement for the Renewal and Evolution of Central Africa or MDREC
Kodro Ti Mo Kozo Si Movement or MKMKS
Movement for Democracy and Development or MDD
Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People or MLPC
National Convergence (also known as Kwa Na Kwa or KNK)
National Movement of Independents or MOUNI
National Union for Democracy and Progress or UNDP
National Union of Republican Democrats or UNADER
New Impetus for Central Africa or CANE
Party for Democracy and Solidarity - Kélémba or KPDS
Party for Democratic Governance or PGD
Path of Hope or CDE
Renaissance for Sustainable Development or RDD
Socialist Party or PS
Transformation Through Action Initiative or ITA
Union for Central African Renewal or URCA
Union for Renaissance and Development or URD
United Hearts Movement or MCU


Chadian Convention for Peace and Development or CTPD
Federation Action for the Republic or FAR
National Rally for Development and Progress or Viva-RNDP
National Union for Democracy and Renewal or UNDR
Party for Unity and Reconstruction or PUR
Patriotic Salvation Movement or MPS 
Rally for Democracy and Progress or RDP
Rally of Chadian Nationalists/Awakening or RNDT/Le Reveil
Social Democratic Party for a Change-over of Power or PDSA
Union for Democracy and the Republic or UDR
Union for Renewal and Democracy or URD

note 1:  19 additional parties each contributed one member

note 2: 
on 5 October 2021, Interim President Mahamat Idriss DEBY appointed 93 members to the interim National Transitional Council (NTC); 30% of the NTC members were retained from parties previously represented in the National Assembly


Approve Dignity (Apruebo Dignidad) coalition or AD (included PC, FA, and FREVS); note - dissolved 2023
Broad Front Coalition (Frente Amplio) or FA (includes RD, CS, and Comunes)
Chile We Can Do More (Chile Podemos Más) or ChP+ (coalition includes EVOPOLI, PRI, RN, UDI)
Christian Democratic Party or PDC
Common Sense Party or SC
Commons (Comunes)
Communist Party of Chile or PCCh
Democratic Revolution or RD
Democrats or PD
Equality Party or PI
Green Ecological Party or PEV (dissolved 7 February 2022)
Green Popular Alliance or AVP
Humanist Action Party or PAH
Humanist Party or PH
Independent Democratic Union or UDI
Liberal Party (Partido Liberal de Chile) or PL
National Renewal or RN
New Social Pact or NPS (includes PDC, PL, PPD, PRSD, PS)
Party for Democracy or PPD
Party of the People or PDG
Political Evolution or EVOPOLI
Popular Party or PP
Progressive Homeland Party or PRO
Radical Party or PR
Republican Party or PLR
Social Christian Party or PSC
Social Convergence or CS
Social Green Regionalist Federation or FREVS
Socialist Party or PS
Yellow Movement for Chile or AMAR


Chinese Communist Party or CCP 

note: China has 8 nominally independent small parties controlled by the CCP


Alternative Democratic Pole or PDA
Citizens Option (Opcion Ciudadana) or OC (formerly known as the National Integration Party or PIN)
The Commons (formerly People's Alternative Revolutionary Force or FARC)
Conservative Party or PC
Democratic Center Party or CD
Fair and Free Colombia (Colombia Justa Libres)
Green Alliance
Historic Pact for Colombia or PHxC (coalition composed of several left-leaning political parties and social movements)
Humane Colombia
Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation or MIRA
League of Anti-Corruption Rulers or LIGA
Liberal Party or PL
People's Alternative Revolutionary Force or FARC
Radical Change or CR
Team for Colombia - also known as the Experience Coalition or Coalition of the Regions (coalition composed of center-right and right-wing parties)
Union Party for the People or U Party
We Believe Colombia or CREEMOS

note:  Colombia has numerous smaller political parties and movements


Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros or CRC
Juwa Party (Parti Juwa) or PJ
Orange Party (2020)

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Christian Democrat Party or PDC 
Congolese Rally for Democracy or RCD 
Convention of Christian Democrats or CDC 
Engagement for Citizenship and Development or ECIDE 
Forces of Renewal or FR 
Movement for the Liberation of the Congo or MLC 
Nouvel Elan 
Our Congo or CNB ("Congo Na Biso") 
People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy or PPRD 
Social Movement for Renewal or MSR 
Together for Change ("Ensemble") 
Unified Lumumbist Party or PALU
Union for the Congolese Nation or UNC 
Union for Democracy and Social Progress or UDPS

Congo, Republic of the

Alliance of the Presidential Majority or AMP
Action Movement for Renewal or MAR 
Citizen's Rally or RC 
Congolese Labour Party or PCT 
Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development or MCDDI 
Congo on the Move or LCEM 
Movement for Unity, Solidarity, and Work or MUST 
Pan-African Union for Social Development or UPADS 
Club 2002-Party for the Unity and the Republic or Club 2002 
Patriotic Union for Democracy and Progress or UPDP 
Perspectives and Realities Club or CPR 
Rally for Democracy and Social Progress or RDPS 
Republican and Liberal Party or PRL 
Union of Democratic Forces or UDF 
Union for Democracy and Republic or UDR
Union of Humanist Democrats or UDH-YUKI 
Union for the Republic or UR 

Cook Islands

Cook Islands Party or CIP
Cook Islands United Party 
Democratic Party or Demo
One Cook Islands Movement or OCI

Costa Rica

Accessibility Without Exclusion or PASE
Broad Front (Frente Amplio) or PFA
Citizen Action Party or PAC
Costa Rican Renewal Party or PRC
Here Costa Rica Commands Party or ACRM
Liberal Progressive Party or PLP
Libertarian Movement Party or ML
National Integration Party or PIN
National Liberation Party or PLN
National Restoration Party or PRN
New Generation or PNG
New Republic Party or PNR
Social Christian Republican Party or PRSC
Social Christian Unity Party or PUSC of UNIDAD
Social Democratic Progress Party or PPSD

Cote d'Ivoire

African Peoples' Party-Cote d'Ivoire or PPA-CI 
Democratic Party of Cote d'Ivoire or PDCI 
Ivorian Popular Front or FPI 
Liberty and Democracy for the Republic or LIDER 
Movement of the Future Forces or MFA 
Pan-African Congress for People's Justice and Equality or COJEP 
Rally of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace or RHDP 
Rally of the Republicans or RDR
Together for Democracy and Sovereignty or EDS 
Together to Build (UDPCI, FPI,and allies) 
Union for Cote d'Ivoire or UPCI 
Union for Democracy and Peace in Cote d'Ivoire or UDPCI


Bosniaks Together
The Bridge or MOST (formerly the Bridge of Independent Lists)
Croatia Romani Union Kali Sara (SRRH)
Croatian Democratic Union or HDZ
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Croatia (DZMH)
Focus or Fokus
Homeland Movement or DP (also known as Miroslav Škoro Homeland Movement or DPMS)
Independent Democratic Serb Party or SDSS 
Independent Platform of the North (NPS)
Istrian Democratic Assembly or IDS
Social Democratic Party of Croatia or SDP
We Can! or Mozemo! 


Cuban Communist Party or PCC


Korsou di Nos Tur or KdnT
Korsou Esun Miho or KEM
Movementu Futuro Korsou or MFK
Movementu Progresivo or MP
Movishon Antia Nobo or MAN
Partido Antia Restruktura or PAR
Partido Inovashon Nashonal or PIN
Partido Nashonal di Pueblo or PNP
Pueblo Soberano or PS
Trabou pa Kòrsou or TPK
Un Korsou Hustu


area under government control:
Democratic Front or DIPA 
Democratic Party or DIKO
Democratic Rally or DISY
Movement of Ecologists - Citizens' Alliance 
Movement of Social Democrats EDEK
National Popular Front or ELAM 
Progressive Party of the Working People or AKEL (Communist Party) 
Solidarity Movement

area administered by Turkish Cypriots:
Communal Democracy Party or TDP
Communal Liberation Party - New Forces or TKP-YG
Cyprus Socialist Party or KSP
Democratic Party or DP
National Democratic Party or NDP
National Unity Party or UBP 
New Cyprus Party or YKP
People's Party or HP 
Rebirth Party or YDP
Republican Turkish Party or CTP
United Cyprus Party or BKP


Action of Dissatisfied Citizens or ANO (Akce nespokojených občanů)
Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party or KDU-ČSL
Civic Democratic Party or ODS
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia or KSČM
Czech Pirate Party or Piráti
Freedom and Direct Democracy or SPD
Independents or NEZ
Mayors and Independents or STAN
Mayors for the Liberec Region or SLK
Senator 21 or SEN 21
Social Democracy SOCDEM
Tradition Responsibility Prosperity 09 or TOP 09
Tábor 2020 or T2020
United Democrats - Association of Independents or SD-SN


The Alternative or AP 
Conservative People's Party or DKF or C 
Danish People's Party or DF or O 
Denmark Democrats or E 
Green Left or SF or F (formerly Socialist People's Party or SF or F)
Liberal Alliance or LA or I 
Liberal Party (Venstre) or V 
Moderates or M 
New Right Party or NB or D 
Red-Green Alliance (Unity List) or EL 
Social Democrats or SDP or A 
Social Liberal Party or SLP or B 


Front for Restoration of Unity and Democracy (Front pour la Restauration de l'Unite Democratique) or FRUD
National Democratic Party or PND
People's Rally for Progress or RPP
Peoples Social Democratic Party or PPSD
Union for Democracy and Justice or UDJ
Union for the Presidential Majority coalition or UMP
Union of Reform Partisans or UPR


Dominica Freedom Party or DFP
Dominica Labor Party or DLP
Dominica United Workers Party or UWP

Dominican Republic

Alliance for Democracy or APD
Broad Front (Frente Amplio)
Country Alliance or AP
Dominican Liberation Party or PLD
Dominican Revolutionary Party or PRD
Dominicans For Change or DXC
Independent Revolutionary Party or PRI
Institutional Social Democratic Bloc or BIS
Liberal Reformist Party or PRL (formerly the Liberal Party of the Dominican Republic or PLRD)
Modern Revolutionary Party or PRM
National Progressive Front or FNP
People's First Party or PPG
People's Force or FP
Social Christian Reformist Party or PRSC


Actuemos Ecuador or Actuemos
AMIGO movement, Independent Mobilizing Action Generating Opportunities (Movimiento AMIGO (Acción Movilizadora Independiente Generando Oportunidades)) or AM16O
Avanza Party or AVANZA
Central Democratic Movement or CD
Citizen Revolution Movement or MRC or RC5
Creating Opportunities Movement or CREO
Democratic Left or ID
Democracy Yes Movement (Movimiento Democracia Si)
For A Country Without Fear (Por Un País Sin Miedo) (an alliance including PSC, CD, and PSP)
Green Movement (Movimiento Verde)
Movimiento Construye or Construye
National Democratic Action (Acción Democrática Nacional) or ADN
Pachakutik Plurinational Unity Movement or MUPP
Patriotic Society Party or PSP
People, Equality, and Democracy Party (Partido Pueblo, Igualdad y Democracia) or PID
Popular Unity Party (Partido Unidad Popular) or UP
Revolutionary and Democratic Ethical Green Movement (Movimiento Verde Ético Revolucionario y Democrático) or MOVER
Social Christian Party or PSC
Socialist Party
Society United for More Action or SUMA
Total Renovation Movement (Movimiento Renovacion Total) or RETO


Arab Democratic Nasserist Party
Congress Party
Conservative Party
Democratic Peace Party
Egyptian National Movement Party
Egyptian Social Democratic Party
El Ghad Party
El Serh El Masry el Hor
Eradet Geel Party
Free Egyptians Party
Freedom Party
Justice Party
Homeland’s Protector Party
Modern Egypt Party
My Homeland Egypt Party
Nation's Future Party (Mostaqbal Watan)
National Progressive Unionist (Tagammu) Party
Reform and Development Party
Republican People’s Party
Revolutionary Guards Party
Wafd Party

El Salvador

Christian Democratic Party or PDC
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front or FMLN
Great Alliance for National Unity or GANA
National Coalition Party or PCN
Nationalist Republican Alliance or ARENA
New Ideas (Nuevas Ideas) or NI
Our Time (Nuestro Tiempo) or NT
Vamos or V

Equatorial Guinea

Center Right Union or UCD
Convergence Party for Social Democracy or CPDS 
Democratic Party for Equatorial Guinea or PDGE 
Liberal Democratic Convention or CLD 
Liberal Party or PL 
National Congress of Equatorial Guinea (CNGE) 
National Democratic Party (PNDGE) 
National Democratic Union or UDENA 
National Union for Democracy PUNDGE 
Popular Action of Equatorial Guinea or APGE 
Popular Union or UP 
Progressive Democratic Alliance or ADP 
Social and Popular Convergence Party or CSDP 
Social Democratic Coalition Party (PCSD) 
Social Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea or PSDGE 
Social Democratic Union or UDS 
Socialist Party of Equatorial Guinea 


People's Front for Democracy and Justice or PFDJ (the only party recognized by the government)


Conservative People's Party (Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond) or EKRE
Estonia 200 or E200
Estonia Centre Party of (Keskerakond) or KE
Estonian Free Party or VAP
Estonian Greens or EER
Estonian Nationalists and Conservatives or ERK 
Estonian Reform Party (Reformierakond) or RE
Estonian United Left Party or EÜVP
Fatherland or I
Pro Patria (Isamaa)
The Right or PP
Social Democratic Party or SDE


political parties exist but conditions for their operations, particularly in elections, are undefined, legally unclear, or culturally restricted; the following are considered political associations:
African United Democratic Party or AUDP 
Ngwane National Liberatory Congress or NNLC 
People's United Democratic Movement or PUDEMO 
Swazi Democratic Party or SWADEPA 


Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice and Democracy or EZEMA   
Gedeo People's Democratic Party
Kucha People Democratic Party 
National Movement of Amhara or NAMA
Prosperity Party or PP

European Union

The Left or GUE/NGL 
European Conservatives and Reformists or ECR 
Greens/European Free Alliance or Greens/EFA 
European People's Party or EPP 
Europe of Sovereign Nations or ESN 
Patriots for Europe or PfE 
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats or S&D 
Renew Europe or Renew (formerly Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe or ALDE)

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

none; all independents

Faroe Islands

Center Party or H (Midflokkurin) 
People's Party or A (Folkaflokkurin) 
Progress Party or F (Framsokn) 
Republic or E (Tjodveldi)  (formerly the Republican Party)
Self-Government Party or D (Sjalvstyri or Sjalvstyrisflokkurin) 
Social Democratic Party or JF (Javnadarflokkurin) or JF 
Union Party or B (Sambandsflokkurin) 


Fiji First 
Fiji Labor Party or FLP 
Freedom Alliance (formerly Fiji United Freedom Party or FUFP)
National Federation Party or NFP 
People's Alliance 
Peoples Democratic Party or PDP 
Social Democratic Liberal Party or SODELPA 
Unity Fiji 


Aland Coalition (a coalition of several political parties on the Aland Islands)
Center Party or Kesk 
Christian Democrats or KD 
Finns Party or PS 
Green League or Vihr 
Left Alliance or Vas 
Movement Now or Liike Nyt 
National Coalition Party or Kok 
Social Democratic Party or SDP 
Swedish People's Party or RKP or SFP 


Citizen and Republican Movement or MRC 
Debout la France or DLF 
Democratic Movement or MoDem 
Ensemble or ENS (electoral coalition including RE, MoDem, Horizons, PRV, UDI)
The Ecologists - the Greens or EELV
French Communist Party or PCF 
La France Insoumise or FI 
Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories or LIOT 
Movement of Progressives or MDP 
National Rally or RN (formerly National Front or FN)
New Democrats or LND (formerly Ecology Democracy Solidarity or EDS)
New Popular Front or NFP (electoral coalition including FI, EELV, PS, PCF)
Radical Party of the Left or PRV 
Reconquete or REC 
Renaissance or RE 
Socialist Party or PS 
The Republicans or LR 
Union of Democrats and Independents or UDI
Union of Far Right or UXD (electoral coalition of LR, RN)

French Polynesia

I Love Polynesia (A here la Porinetia) 
List of the People (Tapura Huiraatira) 
People's Servant Party (Tavini Huiraatira) 
Rally of the Maohi People (Amuitahiraʻa o te Nunaʻa Maohi) (formerly known as Popular Rally (Tahoeraa Huiraatira))


Gabonese Democratic Party or PDG 
Restoration of Republican Values or RV
The Democrats or LD

Paul Mba Abessole

Gambia, The

Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction or APRC 
Gambia Democratic Congress or GDC 
Gambia Moral Congress or GMC 
National People's Party or NPP 
People's Progressive Party or PPP 
United Democratic Party or UDP 


European Socialists
For Georgia
Georgian Dream
Law and Justice
Lelo for Georgia
National Democratic Party
People's Power
Progress and Freedom
Republican Party
State for the People
Strategy Aghmashenebeli
United National Movement or UNM
Victorious Georgia


Alliance '90/Greens 
Alternative for Germany or AfD 
Christian Democratic Union or CDU 
Christian Social Union or CSU 
Free Democratic Party or FDP 
Free Voters 
The Left or Die Linke 
Social Democratic Party or SPD 


All Peoples Congress or APC 
Convention People's Party or CPP 
Ghana Freedom Party or GFP 
Ghana Union Movement or GUM 
Great Consolidated Popular Party or GCPP 
Liberal Party of Ghana or LPG 
National Democratic Congress or NDC 
National Democratic Party or NDP 
New Patriotic Party or NPP 
People's National Convention or PNC 
Progressive People's Party or PPP 
United Front Party or UFP 
United Progressive Party or UPP 


Gibraltar Liberal Party or Liberal Party of Gibraltar or LPG 
Gibraltar Social Democrats or GSD 
Gibraltar Socialist Labor Party or GSLP 
GSLP-Liberal Alliance 
Together Gibraltar or TG 


Coalition of the Radical Left-Progressive Alliance or SYRIZA-PS 
Communist Party of Greece or KKE 
Course of Freedom
Democratic Patriotic Movement-Victory or NIKI
Greek Solution
New Democracy or ND
PASOK - Movement for Change or PASOK-KINAL


Democrats Party (Demokraatit) or D 
Fellowship Party (Atassut) or A 
Forward Party (Siumut) or S 
Inuit Community (Inuit Ataqatigiit) or IA 
Signpost Party (Naleraq) or N (formerly Partii Naleraq)


National Democratic Congress or NDC
New National Party or NNP


Democratic Party
Republican Party


Bienestar Nacional or BIEN
Blue Party (Partido Azul) or Blue
Citizen Prosperity or PC
Commitment, Renewal, and Order or CREO
Elephant Community (Comunidad Elefante) or Elephant
Everyone Together for Guatemala or TODOS
Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity or URNG-MAIZ or URNG
Humanist Party of Guatemala or PHG
Movement for the Liberation of Peoples or MLP
Movimiento Semilla or SEMILLA
National Advancement Party or PAN
National Convergence Front or FCN-NACION
National Unity for Hope or UNE
Nationalist Change Union or UCN (dissolved 16 December 2021)
Nosotros or PPN
Political Movement Winaq or Winaq
Value or VALOR
Vamos por una Guatemala Diferente or VAMOS
Victory or VICTORIA
Vision with Values or VIVA
Will, Opportunity and Solidarity (Voluntad, Oportunidad y Solidaridad) or VOS


Alliance Party Guernsey or APG 
Guernsey Partnership of Independents or GPI 
Guernsey Party or GP 


African Congress for Democracy and Renewal or CADRE 
Alliance for National Renewal or ARN 
Alliance for National Renewal or ARENA 
Bloc Liberal or BL 
Citizen Generation or GECI 
Citizen Party for the Defense of Collective Interests or PCDIC 
Democratic Alliance for Renewal or ADR 
Democratic National Movement or MND
Democratic Union for Renewal and Progress or UDRP 
Democratic Union of Guinea or UDG 
Democratic People's Movement of Guinea or MPDG 
Democratic Workers' Party of Guinea or PDTG 
Front for the National Alliance or FAN 
Generation for Reconciliation Union and Prosperity or GRUP 
Guinea for Democracy and Balance or GDE 
Guinean Party for Peaceful Coexistence and Development or PGCD 
Guinean Party for Solidarity and Democracy or PGSD 
Guinean Union for Democracy and Development or UGDD 
Guinean Rally for Development or RGD 
Guinean Rally for Unity and Development or RGUD 
Guinean Renaissance Party or PGR 
Modern Guinea 
Movement for Solidarity and Development or MSD 
National Committee for Reconciliation and Development 
National Front for Development or FND 
National Union for Prosperity or UNP 
National Party for Hope and Development or PEDN 
New Democratic Forces or NFD 
New Generation for the Republic or NGR 
New Guinea or NG 
New Political Generation or NGP 
Party for Progress and Change or PPC 
Party of Citizen Action through Labor or PACT 
Party of Democrats for Hope or PADES 
Party of Freedom and Progress or PLP 
Party of Hope for National Development or PEDN 
Rally for Renaissance and Development or RRD 
Rally for the Guinean People or RPG 
Rally for the Integrated Development of Guinea or RDIG 
Rally for the Republic or RPR 
Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea or UFDG
Union for Progress and Renewal or UPR 
Union for the Defense of Republican Interests or UDIR 
Union for the Progress of Guinea or UPG 
Union of Democratic Forces or UFD a or UFDG 
Union of Democrats for the Renaissance of Guinea or UDRG 
Union of Republican Forces or UFR 
Unity and Progress Party or PUP


African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cabo Verde or PAIGC 
Democratic Convergence Party or PCD 
Movement for Democratic Alternation Group of 15 or MADEM-G15 
National People’s Assembly – Democratic Party of Guinea Bissau or APU-PDGB 
New Democracy Party or PND 
Party for Social Renewal or PRS 
Republican Party for Independence and Development or PRID 
Union for Change or UM 


A New and United Guyana or ANUG
A Partnership for National Unity or APNU
Alliance for Change or AFC
Justice for All Party
Liberty and Justice Party or LJP
National Independent Party or NIP
People's Progressive Party/Civic or PPP/C
The New Movement or TNM
The United Force or TUF
United Republican Party or URP


Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation (Ligue Alternative pour le Progres et l’Emancipation Haitienne) or LAPEH
Christian Movement for a New Haiti or MCNH or Mochrenha
Christian National Movement for the Reconstruction of Haiti or UNCRH
Combat of Peasant Workers to Liberate Haiti (Konbit Travaye Peyizan Pou Libere Ayiti) or Kontra Pep La
Convention for Democratic Unity or KID
Cooperative Action to Rebuild Haiti or KONBA
December 16 Platform or Platfom 16 Desanm
Democratic Alliance Party or ALYANS (coalition includes KID and PPRH)
Democratic Centers' National Council or CONACED
Democratic and Popular Sector (Secteur Democratique et Populaire) or SDP
Democratic Unity Convention (Konvansyon Inite Demokratik) or KID
Dessalinian Patriotic and Popular Movement or MOPOD
Effort and Solidarity to Create an Alternative for the People or ESKAMP
Fanmi Lavalas or FL
Forward (En Avant)
Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats (Fusion Des Sociaux-Démocrates Haïtiens) or FHSD
G18 Policy Platform (Plateforme Politique G18)
Haiti in Action (Ayiti An Aksyon Haiti's Action) or AAA
Haitian Tet Kale Party (Parti Haitien Tet Kale) or PHTK
Independent Movement for National Reconciliation or MIRN
Lavni Organization or LAVNI
Lod Demokratik
Love Haiti (Renmen Ayiti) or RA
MTV Ayiti
National Consortium of Haitian Political Parties (Consortium National des Partis Politiques Haitiens) or CNPPH
National Shield Network (Reseau Bouclier National)
Organization of the People's Struggle (Oganizasyon Pep Kap Lite) or OPL
Patriotic Unity (Inite Patriyotik) or Inite
Platform Pitit Desalin (Politik Pitit Dessalines) or PPD
Political Party for Us All or Bridge (Pont) or Pou Nou Tout
Popular Patriotic Dessalinien Movement (Mouvement Patriotique Populaire Dessalinien) or MOPOD
Rally of Progressive National Democrats (Rassemblement des Democrates Nationaux Progressistes) or RDNP
Respe (Respect)
Women and Families Political Parties (Defile Pati Politik Fanm Ak Fanmi)


Anti-Corruption Party or PAC
Christian Democratic Party or DC
Democratic Liberation of Honduras or Liderh
Democratic Unification Party or UD
The Front or El Frente
Honduran Patriotic Alliance or AP
Innovation and Unity Party or PINU
Liberal Party or PL
Liberty and Refoundation Party or LIBRE
National Party of Honduras or PNH
New Route or NR
Opposition Alliance against the Dictatorship or Alianza de Oposicion contra la Dictadura (electoral coalition)
Savior Party of Honduras or PSH
Vamos or Let’s Go
We Are All Honduras (Todos Somos Honduras) or TSH

Hong Kong

Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong or BPA 
Civil Force or CF 
Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong or DAB 
Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions or HKFLU 
Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers or HKFEW 
Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions or HKFTU 
Kowloon West New Dynamic or KWND
Liberal Party or LP 
New Century Forum or NCF 
New People's Party or NPP
New Prospect for Hong Kong or NPHK 
New Territories Association of Societies or NTAS 
Professional Power or PP 
Roundtable or RT 
Third Side or TS

note 1: there is no political party ordinance, so there are no registered political parties; politically active groups register as societies or companies

note 2: by the end of 2021, the leading pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong had been effectively removed from the political arena under the provisions of Beijing's 2021 electoral changes or via charges under the 2020 national security law; in addition, dozens of pro-democracy organizations, including political parties, unions, churches, civil rights groups, and media organizations have disbanded or closed; as of 2023, nearly all politically active groups were pro-Beijing


Christian Democratic People's Party or KDNP
Democratic Coalition or DK
Dialogue for Hungary or Párbeszéd
Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Alliance or Fidesz
Hungarian Socialist Party or MSZP
Jobbik - Conservatives or Jobbik
LMP-Hungary's Green Party or LMP
Mi Hazank (Our Homeland Movement) or MHM
Momentum Movement or Momentum
Movement for a Better Hungary or Jobbik
National Self-Government of Germans in Hungary or MNOÖ
On the People's Side or A Nép Pártján
Our Homeland Movement or Mi Hazánk
TISZA – Respect and Freedom Party or TISZA


Centrist Party (Midflokkurinn) or CP 
Independence Party (Sjalfstaedisflokkurinn) or IP 
Left-Green Movement (Vinstrihreyfingin-graent frambod) or LGM 
People's Party (Flokkur Folksins) 
Pirate Party (Piratar) 
Progressive Party (Framsoknarflokkurinn) or PP 
Reform Party (Vidreisn) 
Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) or SDA 


Aam Aadmi Party or AAP
All India Trinamool Congress or AITC
Bahujan Samaj Party or BSP
Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP
Biju Janata Dal or BJD
Communist Party of India-Marxist or CPI(M)
Dravida Munnetra Khazhagam
Indian National Congress or INC
Nationalist Congress Party or NCP
Rashtriya Janata Dal or RJD
Samajwadi Party or SP
Shiromani Akali Dal or SAD
Shiv Sena or SS
Telegana Rashtra Samithi or TRS
Telugu Desam Party or TDP
YSR Congress or YSRCP or YCP


Democrat Party or PD 
Functional Groups Party or GOLKAR 
Great Indonesia Movement Party or GERINDRA 
Indonesia Democratic Party-Struggle or PDI-P 
National Awakening Party or PKB 
National Democratic Party or NasDem 
National Mandate Party or PAN 
Prosperous Justice Party or PKS 


Combatant Clergy Association (an active political group)
Executives of Construction Party
Front of Islamic Revolutionary Stability
Islamic Coalition Party
Progress and Justice Population of Islamic Iran
Militant Clerics Society (Majma-e Ruhaniyoun-e Mobarez) or MRM
Moderation and Development Party
National Trust Party (Hezb-e E'temad-eMelli) or HEM
Progress and Justice Society
Union of Islamic Iran People's Party (Hezb-e Ettehad-e Iran-e Eslami)


Al Fatah Alliance
Azm Alliance
Babiliyun Movement
Ishraqat Konun
Kurdistan Democratic Party
National Contract Party
New Generation Movement
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Sadrist Bloc
State Forces Alliance
State of Law Coalition
Tasmim Alliance


Solidarity-People Before Profit or PBPS 
Fianna Fail 
Fine Gael 
Green Party 
Human Dignity Alliance 
Labor (Labour) Party 
Right to Change or RTC
Sinn Fein 
Social Democrats 
Socialist Party
The Workers' Party

Isle of Man

Green Party 
Liberal Vannin Party or LVP 
Manx Labor Party
Mec Vannin (sometimes referred to as the Manx Nationalist Party)

note: most members sit as independents


Blue and White
Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit)
Labor Party or HaAvoda
National Unity (alliance includes Blue and White and New Hope)
New Hope
Religious Zionism (election alliance of Religious Zionist Party, Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit), and Noam)
Religious Zionist Party
United Arab List
United Torah Judaism or UTJ (alliance includes Agudat Israel and Degel HaTorah)
Yesh Atid
Yisrael Beiteinu


Action-Italia Viva 
Associative Movement of Italians Abroad or MAIE 
Brothers of Italy or FdI 
Democratic Party or PD 
Five Star Movement or M5S 
Forza Italia or FI 
Free and Equal (Liberi e Uguali) or LeU 
Greens and Left Alliance or AVS 
League or Lega 
More Europe or +EU 
Popular Union or PU 
South calls North or ScN 
South Tyrolean Peoples Party or SVP 
other minor parties


Jamaica Labor Party or JLP
Jamaica Progressive Party or JPP
People's National Party or PNP
United Independents' Congress or UIC


Collaborative Party or The Party to Protect People from NHK or NHK Party 
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan or CDP 
Democratic Party for the People or DPFP or DPP 
Free Education for All or FEFA 
Japan Communist Party or JCP 
Japan Innovation Party or Nippon Ishin no kai or Ishin 
Liberal Democratic Party or LDP 
Okinawa Whirlwind or OW 
Reiwa Shinsengumi 
Social Democratic Party or SDP 
Yūshi no Kai 


Better Way or BW (group of independent candidates)
Jersey Alliance or JA 
Jersey Liberal Conservatives or JLC 
Progress Party or PP 
Reform Jersey or RJ

note: most deputies sit as independents


political reforms required all existing parties to re-register by May 2023, which resulted in changes to the number of registered parties and the number of seats held by those parties for the anticipated 2024 election


Ak Zhol Democratic Party or Ak Zhol
Amanat Party (formerly Nur Otan (Radiant Fatherland))
Auyl People's Democratic Patriotic Party or Auyl
Baytak (Boundless) Party
National Social Democratic Party or NSDP
People's Democratic (Patriotic) Party or Auyl or AHDPP
People's Party of Kazakhstan or PPK


Azimio La Umoja–One Kenya Coalition Party
Amani National Congress or ANC
Chama Cha Kazi or CCK
Democratic Action Party or DAP-K
Democratic Party or DP
Forum for the Restoration of Democracy–Kenya or FORD-Kenya
Grand Dream Development Party or GDDP         
Jubilee Party or JP
Kenya African National Union or KANU
Kenya Kwanza coalition
Kenya Union Party or KUP
Maendeleo Chap Chap Party or MCC
Movement for Democracy and Growth or MDG
National Agenda Party or NAP-K                       
National Ordinary People Empowerment Union or NOPEU
Orange Democratic Movement or ODM
Pamoja African Alliance or PAA]
The Service Party or TSP
United Democratic Alliance or UDA
United Democratic Movement or UDM
United Democratic Party or UDP
United Party of Independent Alliance or UPIA                                      
United Progressive Alliance or UPA                                        
Wiper Democratic Movement-Kenya or WDM-K


Boutokaan Kiribati Moa Party (Supporting Kiribati First) or BKM 
Tobwaan Kiribati Party (Embracing Kiribati) or TKP 

Korea, North

major parties:
Korean Workers' Party or KWP (formally known as Workers' Party of Korea) 
General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) 
minor parties:
Chondoist Chongu Party (under KWP control)
Social Democratic Party or KSDP (under KWP control)

Korea, South

Basic Income Party 
Democratic Party of Korea or DPK 
New Future Party
New Reform Party 
Open Democratic Party or ODP 
People Power Party or PPP 
Progressive Party or Jinbo Party 
Rebuilding Korea Party 
Social Democratic Party 

note:  the Democratic Alliance Coalition consists of the DPK and the smaller Basic Income, Jinbo, Open Democratic, and Social Democratic parties, as well as two independents; for the 2024 election, the Basic Income Party, the ODP, and the Social Democratic Party formed the New Progressive Alliance


Alliance for the Future of Kosovo or AAK
Ashkali Party for Integration or PAI
Civic Initiative for Freedom, Justice, and Survival
Democratic League of Kosovo or LDK
Democratic Party of Kosovo or PDK
New Democratic Initiative of Kosovo or IRDK
New Democratic Party or NDS 
Progressive Movement of Kosovar Roma or LPRK
Romani Initiative
Self-Determination Movement (Lëvizja Vetevendosje or Vetevendosie) or LVV or VV
Serb List or SL
Social Democratic Union or SDU
Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo or KDTP
Unique Gorani Party or JGP
Vakat Coalition or VAKAT


none; the government does not recognize any political parties or allow their formation, although no formal law bans political parties


Afghan's Party
Ata-Jurt Kyrgyzstan (Fatherland) or AJK
Ishenim (Trust)
Light of Faith
Mekenchil or the "Patriotic" Political Party
Social Democrats or SDK
United Kyrgyzstan
Yntymak (Unity)


Lao People's Revolutionary Party or LPRP

note:  other parties proscribed


Development/For! or AP!
For Stability or S!
For Latvia's Development LA
Harmony or S
Honor to Serve Riga! or GKR
Latvia First LPV
Latvian Green Party or LZP
National Alliance or NA
New Unity or JV
People, Land, Statehood TZV
Social Democratic Party "Harmony" or S
The Progressives or PRO
Union of Greens and Farmers or ZZS
United List or AS
We for Talsi and Municipality or MTuN


Al-Ahbash (Association of Islamic Charitable Projects) or AICP
Amal Movement ("Hope Movement")
Azm Movement
Ba’th Arab Socialist Party of Lebanon
Free Patriotic Movement or FPM
Future Movement Bloc or FM (resigned from politics in January 2022)
Islamic Action Front or IAF
Kata'ib Party
Lebanese Democratic Party
Lebanese Forces or LF
Marada Movement
Progressive Socialist Party or PSP
Social Democrat Hunshaqian Party
Syrian Social Nationalist Party or SSNP
Tashnaq or Armenian Revolutionary Federation


All Basotho Convention or ABC 
Alliance of Democrats or AD 
Basotho Action Party or BAP 
Basotho National Party or BNP 
Democratic Congress or DC 
Democratic Party of Lesotho or DPL 
Lesotho People's Congress or LPC 
Movement of Economic Change or MEC 
National Independent Party or NIP 
Popular Front for Democracy of PFD
Reformed Congress of Lesotho or RCL 


All Liberian Party or ALP 
Alliance for Peace and Democracy or APD 
Alternative National Congress or ANC 
Coalition for Democratic Change (includes CDC, NPP, and LPDP)
Collaborating Political Parties or CPP (coalition includes ANC, LP; CPP dissolved in April 2024)
Congress for Democratic Change or CDC 
Liberia Destiny Party or LDP 
Liberia National Union or LINU 
Liberia Transformation Party or LTP 
Liberian People Democratic Party or LPDP 
Liberian People's Party or LPP 
Liberian Restoration Party or LRP 
Liberty Party or LP 
Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction or MDR 
Movement for Economic Empowerment 
Movement for Progressive Change or MPC 
National Democratic Coalition or NDC 
National Democratic Party of Liberia or NDPL 
National Patriotic Party or NPP 
National Reformist Party or NRP 
National Union for Democratic Progress or NUDP 
People's Unification Party or PUP 
Unity Party or UP 
United People's Party 
Victory for Change Party or VCP 


Democrats for Liechtenstein (Demokraten pro Liechtenstein) or DpL 
Fatherland Union (Vaterlaendische Union) or VU 
Progressive Citizens' Party (Fortschrittliche Buergerpartei) or FBP 
The Free List (Die Freie Liste) or FL 
The Independents (Die Unabhaengigen) or DU 


Dawn of Nemunas or NA
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania or LLRA–KŠS
Freedom and Justice Party or LT (formerly Lithuanian Freedom Union (Liberals))
Freedom Party or LP
Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats or TS-LKD
Labour Party or DP
Lithuanian Center Party or LCP
Lithuanian Christian Democracy Party or LKDP
Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union or LVZS
Lithuanian Green Party or LZP
Liberals' Movement or LRLS
Lithuanian List or LL
Lithuanian Regions Party or LRP
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania or LSDP
Union of Democrats for Lithuania or DSVL


Alternative Democratic Reform Party or ADR 
Christian Social People's Party or CSV 
Democratic Party or DP 
Green Party 
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party or LSAP 
Pirate Party 
The Left (dei Lenk/la Gauche) 


Alliance for a Happy Home or ABL
Association of Synergy of Macau ("Synergy Power" or Poder da Singeria) or PS 
Macau-Guangdong Union or UGM 
New Hope or NE 
Union for Development or UPD 
Union for Promoting Progress or UPP or UNIPRO 
United Citizens Association of Macau or ACUM

note: there is no political party ordinance, so there are no registered political parties; politically active groups register as societies or companies


Group of Young Malagasy Patriots (Groupe des Jeunes Malgaches Patriotes) or GJMP
I Love Madagascar (Tiako I Madagasikara) or TIM
Isika Rehetra Miaraka amin'i Andry Rajoelina coalition or IRD
Malagasy Aware (Malagasy Tonga Saina) or MTS
Malagasy Tia Tanindrazana or MATITA or ANGADY
Movement for Democracy in Madagascar (Mouvement pour la Démocratie à Madagascar) or MDM
Rally for Democratic Socialism (Rassemblement pour Socialisme Démocratique - Nouveau) or RPSD Vaovao
Young Malagasies Determined (Tanora Malagasy Vonona) or TGV


Democratic Progressive Party or DPP 
Malawi Congress Party or MCP 
People's Party or PP 
United Democratic Front or UDF
United Transformation Movement or UTM 


National Front (Barisan Nasional) or BN:
Malaysian Chinese Association (Persatuan Cina Malaysia) or MCA 
Malaysian Indian Congress (Kongres India Malaysia) or MIC
United Malays National Organization (Pertubuhan Kebansaan Melayu Bersatu) or UMNO 
United Sabah People's Party (Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah) or PBRS 

Alliance of Hope (Pakatan Harapan) or PH:
Democratic Action Party (Parti Tindakan Demokratik) or DAP 
National Trust Party (Parti Amanah Negara) or AMANAH 
People's Justice Party (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) or PKR 
United Progressive Kinabalu Organization (Pertubuhan Kinabalu Progresif Bersatu) or UPKO 

National Alliance (Perikatan Nasional) or PN:
Malaysian People's Movement Party (Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia) or GERAKAN or PGRM 
Malaysian United Indigenous Party (Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia) or PPBM or BERSATU 
Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) or PAS 

Sabah People's Alliance (Gabungan Rakya Sabah) or GRS:
Homeland Solidarity Party (Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku) or STAR 
Love Sabah Party (Parti Cinta Sabah) or PCS
Sabah People's Ideas Party (Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah) or GAGASAN or PGRS 

Sarawak Parties Alliance (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) or GPS:
Progressive Democratic Party (Parti Demokratik Progresif) or PDP 
Sarawak People's Party (Parti Rakyat Sarawak) or PRS 
Sarawak United People's Party (Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak) or SUPP 
United Bumiputera Heritage Party (Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersata) or PBB 


Malaysian Nation Party (Parti Bangsa Malaysia) or PBM
Heritage Party (Parti Warisan) or WARISAN 
Homeland Fighter's Party (Parti Pejuang Tanah Air) or PEJUANG 
Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Ikatan Demokratik Malaysia) or MUDA 
United Sarawak Party (PSB) 


Adhaalath (Justice) Party or AP
Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party or DRP
Maldives Development Alliance or MDA
Maldivian Democratic Party or MDP
Maldives Third Way Democrats or MTD
People's National Congress or PNC
People's National Front
Republican (Jumhooree) Party or JP


African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence or SADI
Alliance for Democracy and Progress or ADP-Maliba
Alliance for Democracy in Mali-Pan-African Party for Liberty, Solidarity, and Justice or ADEMA-PASJ
Alliance for the Solidarity of Mali-Convergence of Patriotic Forces or ASMA-CFP
Convergence for the Development of Mali or CODEM
Democratic Alliance for Peace or ADP-Maliba
Movement for Mali or MPM
Party for National Renewal (also Rebirth or Renaissance or PARENA)
Rally for Mali or RPM 
Social Democratic Convention or CDS
Union for Democracy and Development or UDD
Union for Republic and Democracy or URD

note 1:  only parties with 2 or more seats in the last National Assembly parliamentary elections (30 March and 19 April 2020) included

note 2:
  the National Assembly was dissolved on 18 August 2020 following a military coup and replaced with a National Transition Council; currently 121 members, party affiliations unknown


AD+PD or ADPD (formed from the merger of Democratic Alternative or AD and Democratic Party (Partit Demokratiku) or PD)
Labor Party (Partit Laburista) or PL 
Nationalist Party (Partit Nazzjonalista) or PN 

Marshall Islands

traditionally there have been no formally organized political parties; what has existed more closely resembles factions or interest groups because they do not have party headquarters, formal platforms, or party structures


Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal or AJD/MR
El Insaf or Equity Party
El Islah or Reform Party
El Karama or Dignity Party
El Vadila or Virtue Party
Mauritanian Party of Union and Change or HATEM
National Democratic Alliance or AND
National Rally for Reform and Development or RNRD or TAWASSOUL
Nida El-Watan
Party for Conciliation and Prosperity or HIWAR
Party of the Mauritanian Masses or Hakam
Republican Front for Unity and Democracy or FRUD
Sawab Party
Union for Democracy and Progress or UDP
Union of Planning and Construction or UPC


Alliance Morisien (Mauritian Alliance)
Jean-Claude Barbier Movement (Mouvement Jean-Claude Barbier) or MJCB
Mauritian Militant Movement (Mouvement Militant Mauricien) or MMM
Mauritian Social Democratic Party (Parti Mauricien Social Democrate) or PMSD
Mauritius Labor Party (Parti Travailliste) or PTR or MLP
Militant Platform (Plateforme Militante) or PM
Militant Socialist Movement (Mouvement Socialist Mauricien) or MSM
Muvman Liberater or ML
National Alliance
Patriotic Movement (Mouvement Patriotique) or MAG
Rodrigues Peoples Organization (Organisation du Peuple Rodriguais) or OPR


Citizen's Movement (Movimiento Ciudadano) or MC
Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) or PRI
Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) or PT
Mexican Green Ecological Party (Partido Verde Ecologista de México) or PVEM
Movement for National Regeneration (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional) or MORENA
National Action Party (Partido Acción Nacional) or PAN
Party of the Democratic Revolution (Partido de la Revolución Democrática) or PRD
This Is For Mexico (Va Por México) (alliance that includes PAN, PRI, and PRD)
Together We Make History (Juntos Hacemos Historia) (alliance that included MORENA, PT, PVEM) (dissolved 23 December 2020)


Bloc of Communists and Socialists or BCS
Party of Action and Solidarity or PAS


Monegasque National Union (includes Horizon Monaco, Primo!, Union Monegasque)
Horizon Monaco 
Priorite Monaco or Primo! 
Union Monegasque 


Democratic Party or DP
Mongolian People's Party or MPP 
National Coalition (consists of Mongolian Green Party or MGP and the Mongolian National Democratic Party or MNDP)
National Labor Party or HUN 
Civil Will-Green Party or CWGP


Albanian Alliance (electoral coalition includes FORCA, PD, DSCG)
Albanian Alternative or AA
Albanian Democratic League or LDSH
Albanian Forum (electoral coalition includes AA, LDSH, UDSH)
Aleksa and Dritan - Count Bravely! (electoral coalition includes Democrats, URA)
Bosniak Party or BS 
Civic Movement United Reform Action or United Reform Action or URA 
Croatian Civic Initiative or HGI 
Democratic Alliance or DEMOS 
Democratic League in Montenegro or DSCG
Democratic Montenegro or Democrats
Democratic Party of Socialists or DPS 
Democratic People's Party or DNP 
Democratic Union of Albanians or UDSH
Europe Now!
For the Future of Montenegro or ZBCG (coalition includes NSD, DNP, RP)
Liberal Party or LP 
New Democratic Power or FORCA
New Serb Democracy or NSD or NOVA 
Social Democrats or SD
Socialist People's Party or SNP 
Together! (electoral coalition includes DPS, SD, LP, UDSH)
United Montenegro or UCG (split from DEMOS)
Workers' Party or RP 


Movement for Change and Prosperity or MCAP 
People's Democratic Movement or PDM


Action Party or PA
Amal (hope) Party
An-Nahj Ad-Dimocrati or An-Nahj or Democratic Way
Authenticity and Modernity Party or PAM
Constitutional Union Party or UC
Democratic and Social Movement or MDS
Democratic Forces Front or FFD
Environment and Sustainable Development Party or PEDD
Federation of the Democratic Left or FGD
Green Left Party or PGV
Istiqlal (Independence) Party or PI
Moroccan Liberal Party or PML
Moroccan Union for Democracy or UMD
National Democratic Party
National Rally of Independents or RNI
Neo-Democrats Party
Party of Development Reform or PRD
Party of Justice and Development or PJD
Party of Liberty and Social Justice or PLJS
Party of Progress and Socialism or PPS
Popular Movement or MP
Renaissance and Virtue Party or PRV
Renaissance Party
Renewal and Equity Party or PRE
Shoura (consultation) and Istiqlal Party
Socialist Union of Popular Forces or USFP
Unified Socialist Party or GSU
Unity and Democracy Party


Democratic Movement of Mozambique (Movimento Democratico de Mocambique) or MDM
Liberation Front of Mozambique (Frente de Liberatacao de Mocambique) or FRELIMO
Mozambican National Resistance (Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana) or RENAMO


All People's Party or APP 
Christian Democratic Voice or CDV 
Landless People's Movement or LPM 
National Unity Democratic Organization or NUDO 
Namibian Economic Freedom Fighters or NEFF 
Popular Democratic Movement or PDM (formerly Democratic Turnhalle Alliance or DTA) 
Rally for Democracy and Progress or RDP 
Republican Party or RP
South West Africa National Union or SWANU 
South West Africa People's Organization or SWAPO 
United Democratic Front or UDF 
United People's Movement or UPM


Nauru does not have formal political parties; alliances within the government are often formed based on extended family ties


Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) or CPN-MC
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) or CPN-UML
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist) or CPN-US
Janamat Party
Janata Samajbaadi Party or JSP
Loktantrik Samajwadi Party or LSP
Naya Shakti Party, Nepal
Nepali Congress or NC
Nepal Mazdoor Kisan Party (Nepal Workers' and Peasants' Party) or NWPP
Rastriya Janamorcha (National People's Front)
Rastriya Prajatantra Party (National Democratic Party) or RPP
Rastriya Swatantra Party or RSP


Christian Democratic Appeal or CDA 
Christian Union or CU
Correct Answer 2021 or JA21
Democrats 66 or D66 
Farmer-Citizen Movement or BBB 
Forum for Democracy or FvD 
Green Left (GroenLinks) or GL 
Labor Party or PvdA 
New Social Contract or NSC 
Party for Freedom or PVV 
Party for the Animals or PvdD 
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy or VVD 
Reformed Political Party or SGP 
Socialist Party or SP 
Together or BIJ1 
Volt Netherlands or Volt 

New Caledonia

Caledonia Together or CE 
Caledonian Union or UC 
Future With Confidence or AEC 
Kanak Socialist Front for National Liberation or FLNKS (alliance includes PALIKA, UNI, UC, and UPM) 
Labor Party or PT 
National Union for Independence or UNI 
Oceanian Awakening 
Party of Kanak Liberation or PALIKA 
Socialist Kanak Liberation or LKS 
The Republicans (formerly The Rally or UMP) 

New Zealand

ACT New Zealand 
Green Party 
New Zealand First Party or NZ First 
New Zealand Labor Party 
New Zealand National Party 
Te Pāti Māori 


Alliance for the Republic or APRE
Alternative for Change or AC (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Autonomous Liberal Party or PAL
Caribbean Unity Movement or PAMUC
Christian Unity Party or PUC (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Independent Liberal Party or PLI
Liberal Constitutionalist Party or PLC
Moskitia Indigenous Progressive Movement or MOSKITIA PAWANKA (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Multiethnic Indigenous Party or PIM (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Nationalist Liberal Party or PLN (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance or ALN
Nicaraguan Party of the Christian Path or CCN
Nicaraguan Resistance Party or PRN (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)
Sandinista National Liberation Front or FSLN
Sons of Mother Earth or YATAMA
The New Sons of Mother Earth Movement or MYATAMARAN (operates in a political alliance with the FSLN)


Alliance for Democracy and the Republic
Alliance for Democratic Renewal or ARD-Adaltchi-Mutuntchi 
Alliance of Movements for the Emergence of Niger or AMEN AMIN
Congress for the Republic or CPR-Inganci
Democratic Alternation for Equity in Niger
Democratic and Republican Renewal-RDR-Tchanji
Democratic Movement for the Emergence of Niger Falala
Democratic Patriots' Rally or RPD Bazara
National Movement for the Development of Society-Nassara or MNSD-Nassara
Nigerien Alliance for Democracy and Progress-Zaman Lahiya or ANDP-Zaman Lahiya
Nigerien Democratic Movement for an African Federation or MODEN/FA Lumana
Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism or PNDS-Tarrayya
Nigerien Patriotic Movement or MPN-Kishin Kassa
Nigerien Rally for Democracy and Peace
Patriotic Movement for the Republic or MPR-Jamhuriya
Peace, Justice, Progress–Generation Doubara
Rally for Democracy and Progress-Jama'a or RDP-Jama'a
Rally for Peace and Progress or RPP Farilla
Social Democratic Rally or RSD-Gaskiyya
Social Democratic Party or PSD-Bassira

Note: after the 26 July 2023 military coup, the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland dissolved the National Assembly and prohibited all political party activity 


Accord Party or ACC 
Africa Democratic Congress or ADC  
All Progressives Congress or APC 
All Progressives Grand Alliance or APGA 
Labor Party or LP 
New Nigeria People’s Party or NNPP 
Peoples Democratic Party or PDP 
Young Progressive Party or YPP 



Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island Labor Party 
Norfolk Liberals 

North Macedonia

Alliance for Albanians or AfA or ASH
Alternative (Alternativa) or AAA
Besa Movement or BESA
Citizen Option for Macedonia or GROM 
Democratic Alliance or DS
Democratic Movement or LD 
Democratic Party of Albanians or PDSH
Democratic Party of Serbs or DPSM
Democratic Renewal of Macedonia or DOM
Democratic Union for Integration or BDI
European Democratic Party or PDE 
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity or VMRO-DPMNE
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - People's Party or VMRO-NP
Liberal Democratic Party or LDP
New Social-Democratic Party or NSDP
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia or SDSM
Socialist Party of Macedonia or SPM
Srpska Stranka in Macedonia or SSM
The Left (Levica) 
The People Movement or LP
Turkish Democratic Party or TDP 
Turkish Movement Party or THP 
We Can! (coalition includes SDSM/BESA/VMRO-NP, DPT, LDP)

Northern Mariana Islands

Democratic Party
Republican Party


Center Party or Sp 
Christian Democratic Party or KrF 
Conservative Party or H 
Green Party or MDG 
Labor Party or Ap 
Liberal Party or V
Patient Focus or PF 
Progress Party or FrP 
Red Party or R 
Socialist Left Party or SV 


none; note - organized political parties are legally banned in Oman, and loyalties tend to form around tribal affiliations


Awami National Party or ANP
Awami Muslim League or AML
Balochistan Awami Party or BAP
Balochistan National Party-Awami or BNP-A
Balochistan National Party-Mengal or BNP-M
Grand Democratic Alliance or GDA (alliance of several parties)
Hazara Democratic Party or HDP
Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party
Jamaat-e-Islami or JI
Jamhoori Wattan Party or JWP
Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl or JUI-F
Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen Pakistan or MWM
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal or MMA (alliance of several parties)
Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan or MQM-P
National Party or NP
Pakistan Muslim League or PML-Z
Pakistan Muslim League-Functional or PML-F
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz or PML-N
Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam or PML-Q
Pakistan Peoples Party or PPP
Pakistan Rah-e-Haq Party or PRHP
Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaaf or PTI (Pakistan Movement for Justice)
Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party or PMAP or PKMAP
Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan or TLP




Alliance Party or PA
Alternative Independent Socialist Party or PAIS
Another Way Movement or MOCA
Democratic Change or CD
Democratic Revolutionary Party or PRD
Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement or MOLIRENA
Panameñista Party (formerly the Arnulfista Party)
Popular Party or PP (formerly Christian Democratic Party or PDC)
Realizing Goals Party or RM

Papua New Guinea

Destiny Party 
Liberal Party 
Melanesian Alliance Party or MAP 
Melanesian Liberal Party or MLP 
National Alliance Party or NAP 
Our Development Party or ODP 
Papua and Niugini Union Party or PANGU PATI 
Papua New Guinea Greens Party 
Papua New Guinea National Party 
Papua New Guinea Party or PNGP 
People's First Party or PFP 
People's Movement for Change or PMC 
People's National Congress Party or PNC 
People’s National Party 
People's Party or PP 
People's Progress Party or PPP 
People's Reform Party or PRP 
PNG Party 
Social Democratic Party or SDP 
Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party or THE 
United Labor Party or ULP 
United Resources Party or URP 


Asociacion Nacional Republicana (National Republican Association) - Colorado Party or ANR
Avanza Pais coalition or AP
Frente Guasu (Broad Front coalition) or FG
GANAR Alliance (Great Renewed National Alliance) (alliance between PLRA and Guasú Front)
Movimiento Hagamos or MH
Movimiento Union Nacional de Ciudadanos Eticos (National Union of Ethical Citizens) or UNACE
Partido Cruzada Nacional (National Crusade Party) or PCN; note - formerly Movimiento Cruzada Nacional
Partido del Movimiento al Socialismo or P-MAS
Partido Democratica Progresista (Progressive Democratic Party) or PDP
Partido Encuentro Nacional or PEN
Partido Liberal Radical Autentico (Authentic Radical Liberal Party) or PLRA
Partido Pais Solidario or PPS
Partido Popular Tekojoja or PPT
Patria Querida (Beloved Fatherland Party) or PPQ


Advance the Nation (Avanza País) or AvP
Alliance for Progress (Alianza para el Progreso) or APP
Broad Front (Frente Amplio) or FA
Free Peru (Perú Libre) or PL
Front for Hope (Frente Esperanza)
Magisterial Block of National Concentration (Bloque Magisterial de Concertación Nacional) or BMCN
National Victory (Victoria Nacional) or VN
Peru Bicentennial (Perú Bicentenario) or PB
Popular Action (Acción Popular) or AP
Popular Force (Fuerza Popular) or FP
Popular Renewal (Renovación Popular) or RP
Purple Party (Partido Morado)
Social Integration Party (Avanza País - Partido de Integración Social)
Together For Perú (Juntos por el Peru) or JP
We Are Peru (Somos Perú) of SP
We Can Peru (Podemos Perú) or PP


Democratic Action (Aksyon Demokratiko) 
Alliance for Change (Hugpong ng Pagbabago or HNP) 
Lakas ng EDSA-Christian Muslim Democrats or Lakas-CMD 
Liberal Party or LP 
Nacionalista Party or NP 
Nationalist People's Coalition or NPC 
National Unity Party or NUP
Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan or PDP-Laban 
Partido Federal ng Pilipinas or PFP 
Progressive Movement for the Devolution of Initiatives or PROMDI


AGROunion or AU
Center for Poland or CdP
Civic Platform or PO
Confederation of the Polish Crown or KKP
Kukiz' 15 or K'15
Labor Union or UP
Law and Justice or PiS
Left Together or LR
Modern or .N
National Movement or NN
New Hope or RN
New Left or NL
Poland 2050 or PL2050
Polish Initiative or iPL
Polish People's Party or PSL
Polish Socialist Party or PPS
Renewal of the Republic of Poland or ON RP
Sovereign Poland or SP
The Greens or Zieloni
Union of European Democrats or UED
Yes! For Poland or T!DPL


Democratic Alliance or AD (2024 electoral alliance in the Azores, includes PSD, CDS-PP, PPM)
Democratic and Social Center/People's Party (Partido do Centro Democratico Social-Partido Popular) or CDS-PP
Ecologist Party "The Greens" or "Os Verdes" (Partido Ecologista-Os Verdes) or PEV
Enough (Chega)
Liberal Initiative (Iniciativa Liberal) or IL
People-Animals-Nature Party (Pessoas-Animais-Natureza) or PAN
People's Monarchist Party or PPM
Portuguese Communist Party (Partido Comunista Portugues) or PCP
Social Democratic Party (Partido Social Democrata) or PSD (formerly the Partido Popular Democratico or PPD)
Socialist Party (Partido Socialista) or PS
The Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda) or BE or O Bloco
Unitary Democratic Coalition (Coligacao Democratica Unitaria) or CDU (includes PCP and PEV) (2024)

Puerto Rico

Citizens' Victory Movement (Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana) or MVC
Democratic Party of Puerto Rico
New Progressive Party or PNP (pro-US statehood)
Popular Democratic Party or PPD (pro-commonwealth)
Project Dignity (Projecto Dignidad) or PD
Puerto Rican Independence Party or PIP (pro-independence)
Republican Party of Puerto Rico


political parties are banned


Alliance for the Fatherland or APP 
Alliance for the Unity of Romanians or AUR
Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party or PNT-CD 
Civic Hungarian Party
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania or UDMR 
Ecologist Party of Romania or PER 
Force of the Right or FD 
Greater Romania Party or PRM 
Green Party
National Liberal Party or PNL
Popular Movement Party or PMP 
PRO Romania or PRO
Romanian Nationhood Party or PNR 
Save Romania Union Party or USR 
Social Democratic Party or PSD 
Social Liberal Humanist Party or PUSL (formerly Humanist Power Party (Social-Liberal) or PPU-SL)
S.O.S. Romania 
The Right Alternative or AD 
United Romania Party or PRU 
We are Renewing the European Project in Romania or REPER 


A Just Russia or SRZP
Civic Platform or GP
Communist Party of the Russian Federation or KPRF
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia or LDPR
New People NL
Party of Growth PR
United Russia ER


Democratic Green Party of Rwanda or DGPR 
Liberal Party or PL 
Party for Progress and Concord or PPC 
Rwandan Patriotic Front or RPF 
Rwandan Patriotic Front Coalition (includes RPF, PPC, PSP, UDPR, PDI, PSR, PDC) 
Social Democratic Party or PSD 
Social Party Imberakuri or PS-Imberakuri 

Saint Barthelemy

All for Saint Barth (Tous pour Saint-Barth)
Saint Barth Action Equilibre
Saint Barth First! (Saint-Barth d'Abord!) or SBA (affiliated with France's Republican party, Les Republicans)
Saint Barth United (Unis pour Saint-Barthelemy)

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Concerned Citizens Movement or CCM
Nevis Reformation Party or NRP
People's Action Movement or PAM
People's Labour Party or PLP
Saint Kitts and Nevis Labor Party or SKNLP

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia Labor Party or SLP
United Workers Party or UWP

Saint Martin

Future Saint Martin (Avenir Saint Martin)
Generation Hope or HOPE
Rassemblement Saint-Martinois or RSM (formerly Movement for Justice and Prosperity or MJP)
Saint Martin with You
Union for Democracy or UD

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Archipelago Tomorrow (Archipel Domain) or AD (affiliated with The Republicans)
Focus on the Future (Cap sur l'Avenir) (affiliated with Left Radical Party)
Together to Build (Ensemble pour Construire)

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

New Democratic Party or NDP
SVG Green Party or SVGP
Unity Labor Party or ULP (formed in 1994 by the coalition of Saint Vincent Labor Party or SVLP and the Movement for National Unity or MNU)


Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi or FAST 
Human Rights Protection Party or HRPP 
Tautua Samoa Party or TSP 

San Marino

Domani - Modus Liberi or DML 
Free San Marino (Libera San Marino) or Libera 
Future Republic or RF 
Party of Socialists and Democrats or PSD 
Reformist Alliance or AR 
RETE Movement 
Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party or PDCS 
Socialist Party or PS 
Tomorrow in Movement coalition (includes RETE Movement, DML)

Sao Tome and Principe

BASTA Movement 
Independent Democratic Action or ADI 
Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe-Social Democratic Party or MLSTP-PSD 
Movement of Independent Citizens of São Tomé and Príncipe - Socialist Party or MCI-PS 
National Unity Party or PUN


Alliance for Citizenship and Work or ACT 
Alliance for the Republic-Yakaar or APR 
Alliance of Forces of Progress or AFP 
AND (National Alliance for Democracy) 
And-Jef/African Party for Democracy and Socialism or AJ/PADS 
ARC (Alternative for the next generation of citizens) 
Benno Bokk Yakaar or BBY (United in Hope); coalition includes AFP, APR, BGC, LD-MPT, PIT, PS, and UNP
Bokk Gis Gis coalition 
Citizen Movement for National Reform or MCRN-Bes Du Nakk 
Coalition Mimi 2024 
Dare the Future movement 
Democratic League-Labor Party Movement or LD-MPT 
Democratic Renaissance Congress 
Front for Socialism and Democracy/Benno Jubel or FSD/BJ 
Gainde Centrist Bloc or BCG 
General Alliance for the Interests of the Republic or AGIR 
Grand Party or GP 
Gueum sa Bopp (Believe in yourself) 
Independence and Labor Party or PIT 
Jotna Coalition 
Liberate the People (Yewwi Askan Wi) or YAW 
Madicke 2019 coalition 
National Union for the People or UNP 
Only Senegal Movement 
Party for Truth and Development or PVD 
Party of Unity and Rally or PUR 
Patriotic Convergence Kaddu Askan Wi or CP-Kaddu Askan Wi 
PRP (Republican party for Progress) 
Rewmi Party 
Save Senegal (Wallu Senegal Grand Coalition) or WS; coalition includes PDS, Jotna Coalition, Democratic Renaissance Congress
Senegalese Democratic Party or PDS 
Socialist Party or PS 
Tekki Movement 
Réewum Ngor (Republic of Values) 
Servants (Les Serviteurs)


Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians or SVM or VMSZ 
Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina or DSHV 
Democratic Party or DS 
Ecological Uprising or EU 
Green - Left Front or ZLF 
Greens of Serbia or ZS 
Justice and Reconciliation Party or SPP (formerly Bosniak Democratic Union of Sandzak or BDZS)
Movement for Reversal or PZP 
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia or POKS 
Movement of Free Citizens or PSG 
Movement of Socialists or PS 
National Democratic Alternative or NADA (electoral coalition includes NDSS and POKS)
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia or NKPJ 
New Democratic Party of Serbia or NDSS or New DSS  (formerly Democratic Party of Serbia or DSS)
New Face of Serbia or NLS 
Party of Democratic Action of the Sandzak or SDAS 
Party of Freedom and Justice or SSP 
Party of United Pensioners, Farmers, and Proletarians of Serbia – Solidarity and Justice or PUPS - Solidarity and Justice (formerly Party of United Pensioners of Serbia or PUPS)
People's Movement of Serbia or NPS 
People's Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija or Fatherland 
People's Peasant Party or NSS 
Political Battle of the Albanians Continues 
Russian Party or RS 
Serbia Against Violence or SPN (electoral coalition includes DS, SSP, ZLF, Zajedno, NPS, PSG, EU, PZP, USS Sloga, NLS, Fatherland)
Serbia Must Not Stop (electoral coalitions includes SNS, SDPS, PUPS, PSS, SNP, SPO, PS, NSS, USS)
Serbian People's Party or SNP 
Serbian Progressive Party or SNS 
Serbian Renewal Movement or SPO 
Social Democratic Party of Serbia or SDPS 
Socialist Party of Serbia or SPS 
Strength of Serbia or PSS 
Together or ZAJEDNO 
United Peasant Party or USS 
United Serbia or JS 
United Trade Unions of Serbia "Sloga" or USS Sloga 
We - The Voice from the People or MI-GIN 


Seychelles Party for Social Justice and Democracy or SPSJD
Seychellois Democratic Alliance or LDS (Linyon Demokratik Seselwa/Union Démocratique Seychelloise)
Seychelles National Party or SNP
United Seychelles or US

Sierra Leone

All People's Congress or APC 
Sierra Leone People's Party or SLPP


People's Action Party or PAP 
Progress Singapore Party or PSP 
Workers' Party or WP 

note: the PAP has won every general election since the end of the British colonial era in 1959

Sint Maarten

Democratic Party or DP
National Alliance or NA
National Opportunity Wealth or NOW
Party for Progress or PFP
Sint Maarten Christian Party or SMCP
Unified Resilient St Maarten Movement or URSM
United People's Party or UPP
United Sint Maarten Party or US Party


Alliance-Szovetseg or A-S
Christian Union or KÚ
Civic Conservative Party or OKS
Direction-Social Democracy or Smer-SSD
For the People or Za Ludi
Freedom and Solidarity or SaS
Life National Party or Život–NS (formerly Christian Democracy - Life and Prosperity - Alliance for Slovkia)
New Majority or NOVA
Ordinary People and Independent Personalities - New Majority or OLaNO-NOVA
People's Party Our Slovakia or LSNS
Progressive Slovakia or PS
Slovak National Party or SNS
Voice - Social Democracy or Hlas-SD
We Are Family or Sme-Rodina (formerly Party of Citizens of Slovakia)


Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia or DeSUS 
Freedom Movement or GS (formerly Greens Actions Party or Z.DEJ)
List of Marjan Sarec or LMS 
New Slovenia - Christian Democrats or NSi 
Party of Alenka Bratusek or SAB (formerly Alliance of Social Liberal Democrats or ZSD and before that Alliance of Alenka Bratusek or ZaAB)
Slovenian Democratic Party or SDS (formerly the Social Democratic Party of Slovenia or SDSS)
Slovenian National Party or SNS 
Social Democrats or SD
The Left or Levica (successor to United Left or ZL)

Solomon Islands

Democratic Alliance Party or DAP 
Kadere Party of Solomon Islands or KAD 
Ownership, Unity, and Responsibility Party (OUR Party) 
People First Party or PFP 
Solomon Islands Democratic Party or SIDP 
Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement or SIPRA 
Solomon Islands United Party or SIUP 
United for Change Party or U4C
Coalition for Accountability Reform and Empowerment (CARE) is comprised of DAP, SIDP, and U4C

note: in general, Solomon Islands politics is characterized by fluid coalitions


Cosmopolitan Democratic Party
Green Party
Himilo Qaran Party
Ilays Party
Justice and Reconciliation Party
National Progressive Party
Peace and Unity Party
Qaransoor Party
Qiimo Qaran Party
Security and Justice Party
Social Justice Party
Somali Labour Party
Somali Republic Party
Somali Social Unity Party or SSUP
Union for Peace and Development Party or PDP
Wadajir Party

note: in 2017 an independent electoral commission (the NIEC) was inaugurated with a mandate to oversee the process of registration of political parties in the country; as of 2021, the NIEC had registered a total of 110 parties

South Africa

African Christian Democratic Party or ACDP 
African Independent Congress or AIC 
African National Congress or ANC 
African People's Convention or APC 
Agang SA 
Congress of the People or COPE 
Democratic Alliance or DA 
Economic Freedom Fighters or EFF 
Freedom Front Plus or FF+ 
Inkatha Freedom Party or IFP 
National Freedom Party or NFP 
Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania or PAC 
United Christian Democratic Party or UCDP 
United Democratic Movement or UDM 

South Sudan

Democratic Change or DC
Democratic Forum or DF
Labour Party or LPSS
South Sudan Opposition Alliance or SSOA
Sudan African National Union or SANU
Sudan People's Liberation Movement or SPLM
Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition or SPLM-IO
United Democratic Salvation Front or UDSF    
United South Sudan African Party or USSAP
United South Sudan Party or USSP


Asturias Forum or FAC 
Basque Country Unite (Euskal Herria Bildu) or EH Bildu (coalition of 4 Basque pro-independence parties)
Basque Nationalist Party or PNV or EAJ 
Canarian Coalition or CC (coalition of 5 parties)
Ciudadanos Party (Citizens Party) or Cs 
Compromis - Compromise Coalition 
Navarrese People's Union or UPN 
Together for Catalonia or Junts 
People's Party or PP 
Republican Left of Catalonia or ERC 
Spanish Socialist Workers Party or PSOE 
Teruel Existe or TE 
Unidas (Unite) or Sumar (electoral coalition formed in March 2022) (formerly Unidas Podemos or UP)
Vox or VOX

Sri Lanka

Crusaders for Democracy or CFD
Eelam People's Democratic Party or EPDP
Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front or EPRLF
Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi or ITAK
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna or JVP
Jathika Hela Urumaya or JHU
National People's Power or NPP (also known as Jathika Jana Balawegaya or JJB)
People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam or PLOTE
Samagi Jana Balawegaya or SJB
Sri Lanka Freedom Party or SLFP
Sri Lanka Muslim Congress or SLMC
Sri Lanka People's Freedom Alliance or SLPFA (includes SLPFP, SLPP, and several smaller parties)
Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (Sri Lanka's People's Front) or SLPP
Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization or TELO
Tamil National Alliance or TNA (includes ITAK, PLOTE, TELO)
Tamil National People's Front or TNPF
Tamil People's National Alliance or TPNA
United National Front for Good Governance or UNFGG (coalition includes JHU, UNP)
United National Party or UNP


Democratic Unionist Party
Democratic Unionist Party or DUP
Federal Umma Party
Muslim Brotherhood or MB
National Congress Party or NCP
National Umma Party or NUP
Popular Congress Party or PCP
Reform Movement Now
Sudan National Front
Sudanese Communist Party or SCP
Sudanese Congress Party or SCoP
Umma Party for Reform and Development
Unionist Movement Party or UMP

note:  in November 2019, the transitional government banned the National Congress Party


Brotherhood and Unity in Politics or BEP
Democratic Alternative '91 or DA91
General Liberation and Development Party or ABOP
National Democratic Party or NDP
National Party of Suriname or NPS
Party for Democracy and Development in Unity or DOE
Party for National Unity and Solidarity or KTPI
People's Alliance (Pertjajah Luhur) or PL
Progressive Workers' and Farmers' Union or PALU
Progressive Reform Party or VHP
Reform and Renewal Movement or HVB
Surinamese Labor Party or SPA


Socialist Left


Center Party (Centerpartiet) or C 
Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna) or KD 
Green Party (Miljopartiet de Grona) or MP 
Left Party (Vansterpartiet) or V 
Moderate Party (Moderaterna) or M 
Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) or SD 
Swedish Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokraterna) or S/SAP 
The Liberals (Liberalerna) or L 


The Center (Die Mitte, Alleanza del Centro, Le Centre, Allianza dal Center) (merger of the Christian Democratic People's Party and the Conservative Democratic Party)
Evangelical Peoples' Party or EVP/PEV 
Federal Democrats or EDU 
Geneva Citizens Movement or MCR/MCG 
Green Liberal Party (Gruenliberale Partei or GLP, Parti vert liberale or PVL, Partito Verde-Liberale or PVL, Partida Verde Liberale or PVL) 
Green Party (Gruene Partei der Schweiz or Gruene, Parti Ecologiste Suisse or Les Verts, Partito Ecologista Svizzero or I Verdi, Partida Ecologica Svizra or La Verda)
The Liberals or FDP.The Liberals (FDP.Die Liberalen, PLR.Les Liberaux-Radicaux, PLR.I Liberali, Ils Liberals)
Social Democratic Party (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz or SP, Parti Socialiste Suisse or PSS, Partito Socialista Svizzero or PSS, Partida Socialdemocratica de la Svizra or PSS) 
Swiss People's Party (Schweizerische Volkspartei or SVP, Union Democratique du Centre or UDC, Unione Democratica di Centro or UDC, Uniun Democratica dal Center or UDC) 


legal parties/alliances:
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
Arab Socialist (Ba'ath) Party – Syrian Regional
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syrian Regional Branch, Socialist Unionist Democratic Party
Arab Socialist Union of Syria or ASU
Democratic Arab Socialist Union
National Progressive Front or NPF
Socialist Unionist Democratic Party
Socialist Unionist Party
Syrian Communist Party (two branches)
Syrian Social Nationalist Party or SSNP
Unionist Socialist Party

major political organizations:
Kurdish Democratic Union Party or PYD
Kurdish National Council or KNC
Syriac Union Party
Syrian Democratic Council or SDC
Syrian Democratic Party
Syrian Opposition Coalition

de facto governance entities:
Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northeast Syria or DAANES
Syrian Interim Government or SIG
Syrian Salvation Government or SSG


Democratic Progressive Party or DPP 
Kuomintang or KMT (Nationalist Party) 
Taiwan People's Party or TPP 

note: the DPP and the KMT are the two major political parties; more than 30 parties garnered votes in the 2024 election


Agrarian Party of Tajikistan or APT
Communist Party of Tajikistan or CPT
Democratic Party of Tajikistan or DPT
Party of Economic Reform of Tajikistan or PERT
People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan or PDPT
Social Democratic Party of Tajikistan or SDPT
Socialist Party of Tajikistan or SPT


Alliance for Change and Transparency (Wazalendo) or ACT-Wazalendo
Civic United Front (Chama Cha Wananchi) or CUF
Party of Democracy and Development (Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo) or CHADEMA
Revolutionary Party of Tanzania (Chama Cha Mapinduzi) or CCM


Bhumjaithai Party or BJT (aka Phumchai Thai Party or PJT; aka Thai Pride Party) 
Chat Thai Phatthana Party (Thai Nation Development Party) or CTP
Move Forward Party or MFP (dissolved by order of the Constitutional Court, August 2024)
Palang Pracharat Party (People's State Power Party) or PPRP 
Pheu (Puea) Thai Party (For Thais Party) or PTP
Prachachat Party or PCC 
Prachathipat Party (Democrat Party) or DP 
Thai Sang Thai Party 
United Thai Nation (Ruam Thai Sang Chat) or UTN


Democratic Party or PD 
National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction or CNRT 
National Unity of the Sons of Timor (Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan or KHUNTO) 
People's Liberation Party or PLP 
Revolutionary Front of Independent Timor-Leste or FRETILIN


Action Committee for Renewal or CAR 
Alliance of Democrats for Integral Development or ADDI 
Democratic Convention of African Peoples or CDPA 
Democratic Forces for the Republic or FDR 
National Alliance for Change or ANC 
New Togolese Commitment 
Pan-African National Party or PNP 
Pan-African Patriotic Convergence or CPP 
Patriotic Movement for Democracy and Development or MPDD 
Socialist Pact for Renewal or PSR 
The Togolese Party 
Union of Forces for Change or UFC 
Union for the Republic or UNIR 


Democratic Party of the Friendly Islands or DPFI or PTOA 
Tonga People's Party (Paati ʻa e Kakai ʻo Tonga) or PAK or TPPI

Trinidad and Tobago

People's National Movement or PNM
United National Congress or UNC
Tobago People’s Party or Tobago


Afek Tounes
Al Badil Al-Tounisi (The Tunisian Alternative)
Al-Amal Party
Call for Tunisia Party (Nidaa Tounes)
Current of Love (formerly the Popular Petition party)
Democratic Current
Democratic Patriots' Unified Party
Dignity Coalition or Al Karama Coalition
Ennahda Movement (The Renaissance)
Ettakatol Party
Free Destourian Party or PDL
Green Tunisia Party
Harakat Hak
Heart of Tunisia (Qalb Tounes)
July 25 Movement
Labor and Achievement Party
Long Live Tunisia (Tahya Tounes)
Movement of Socialist Democrats or MDS
National Coalition Party
National Salvation Front
New Carthage Party
Party of the Democratic Arab Vanguard
People's Movement
Republican Party (Al Joumhouri)
The Movement Party (Hizb Harak)
Third Republic Party
Tunisian Ba'ath Movement
Voice of the Republic
Workers' Party

note: President SAIED in 2022 issued a decree that forbids political parties' participation in legislative elections; although parties remain a facet of Tunisian political life, they have lost significant influence

Turkey (Turkiye)

Democracy and Progress Party or DEVA
Democrat Party or DP
Democratic Regions Party or DBP
Felicity Party (Saadet Party) or SP
Free Cause Party or HUDA PAR
Future Party (Gelecek Partisi) or GP
Good Party or IYI
Grand Unity Party or BBP 
Justice and Development Party or AKP 
Labor and Freedom Alliance (electoral alliance includes YSGP, HDP, TIP)
Nationalist Movement Party or MHP 
New Welfare Party or YRP 
Party of Greens and the Left Future or YSGP 
People's Alliance (electoral alliance includes AKP, BBP, MHP, YRP)
Peoples' Democratic Party or HDP
Republican People's Party or CHP 
Workers' Party of Turkey or TIP


Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan or APT
Democratic Party of Turkmenistan or DPT
Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs or PIE

note: all of these parties support President BERDIMUHAMEDOV; a law authorizing the registration of political parties went into effect in January 2012; unofficial, small opposition movements exist abroad

Turks and Caicos Islands

People's Democratic Movement or PDM
Progressive National Party or PNP


there are no political parties, but members of parliament usually align themselves in informal groupings


Democratic Party or DP
Forum for Democratic Change or FDC
Justice Forum or JEEMA
National Resistance Movement or NRM
National Unity Platform
People's Progressive Party or PPP
Uganda People's Congress or UPC


Batkivshchyna (Fatherland)
European Solidarity or YeS
Holos (Voice or Vote)
Opposition Bloc (formerly known as Opposition Bloc — Party for Peace and Development, successor of the Industrial Party of Ukraine, and resulted from a schism in the original Opposition Bloc in 2019; banned in court June 2022; ceased to exist in July 2022)
Opposition Bloc or OB (divided into Opposition Bloc - Party for Peace and Development and Opposition Platform - For Life in 2019; ceased to exist in July 2022)
Opposition Platform - For Life (resulted from a schism in the original Opposition Bloc in 2019; activities suspended by the National Security and Defense Council in March 2022; dissolved in April 2022)
Platform for Life and Peace
Radical Party or RPOL
Samopomich (Self Reliance)
Servant of the People
Svoboda (Freedom)

United Arab Emirates

none; political parties are banned; all candidates run as independents

United Kingdom

Alliance Party or APNI (Northern Ireland) 
Conservative and Unionist Party 
Democratic Unionist Party or DUP (Northern Ireland) 
Green Party of England and Wales or Greens 
Labor (Labour) Party 
Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems)
Party of Wales (Plaid Cymru) 
Reform UK 
Scottish National Party or SNP 
Sinn Fein (Northern Ireland) 
Social Democratic and Labor Party or SDLP (Northern Ireland) 
Traditional Unionist Voice or TUV 
UK Independence Party or UKIP 
Ulster Unionist Party or UUP (Northern Ireland) 
Workers Party of Great Britian

United States

Democratic Party
Green Party
Libertarian Party
Republican Party


Broad Front or FA (Frente Amplio) - (a broad governing coalition that comprises 34 factions including Popular Participation Movement or MPP, Uruguay Assembly, Progressive Alliance, Broad Social Democratic Space, Socialist Party, Vertiente Artiguista, Christian Democratic Party, Big House, Communist Party, The Federal League, Fuerza Renovadora)
Colorado Party (including Batllistas and Ciudadanos)
Intransigent Radical Ecologist Party (Partido Ecologista Radical Intransigente) or PERI
Independent Party
National Party or PN (including Todos (Everyone) and National Alliance)
Open Cabildo
Popular Unity


Ecological Party of Uzbekistan (O'zbekiston Ekologik Partivasi)
Justice (Adolat) Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (O'zbekiston Liberal-Demokratik Partiyasi) or LDPU
National Revival Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (O'zbekiston Milliy Tiklanish Demokratik Partiyasi)
People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (Xalq Demokratik Partiyas) or PDP (formerly Communist Party)


Iauko Group (Eagle Party) or IG 
Laverwo Movement or LM 
Land and Justice Party (Graon mo Jastis Pati or GJP) 
Leaders Party of Vanuatu or LVP 
Nagriamel Movement or NAG 
National United Party or NUP 
Nagwasoanda Custom Movement or NCM 
People's Progressive Party or PPP 
People Unity Development Party or PUDP 
Rural Development Party or RDP 
Reunification of Movement for Change or RMC 
Union of Moderate Parties or UMP
Unity for Change Movement or UCM 
Vanua'aku Pati (Our Land Party) or VP 
Vanuatu Liberal Movement or VLM 
Vanuatu National Development Party or VNDP 
Vanuatu Progressive Development Party or VPDP 


A New Era (Un Nuevo Tiempo) or UNT
Cambiemos Movimiento Ciudadano or CMC
Christian Democrats or COPEI (also known as the Social Christian Party)
Citizens Encounter or EC
Clear Accounts or CC
Coalition of parties loyal to Nicolas MADURO - Great Patriotic Pole or GPP
Coalition of opposition parties - Democratic Alliance (Alianza Democratica) (includes AD, EL CAMBIO, COPEI, CMC, and AP)
Come Venezuela (Vente Venezuela) or VV
Communist Party of Venezuela or PCV
Consenso en la Zona or Conenzo
Democratic Action or AD
Fatherland for All (Patria para Todos) or PPT
Fearless People's Alliance or ABP
Fuerza Vecinal or FV
Hope for Change (Esperanza por el Cambio) or EL CAMBIO
Justice First (Primero Justicia) or PJ
Movement to Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo) or MAS
Popular Will (Voluntad Popular) or VP
Progressive Advance (Avanzada Progresista) or AP
The Radical Cause or La Causa R
United Socialist Party of Venezuela or PSUV
Venezuela First (Primero Venezuela) or PV
Venezuelan Progressive Movement or MPV
Venezuela Project or PV


Communist Party of Vietnam or CPV

note:  other parties proscribed

Virgin Islands

Democratic Party
Independent Citizens' Movement or ICM
Republican Party

Wallis and Futuna

Left Radical Party or PRG (formerly Radical Socialist Party or PRS and the Left Radical Movement or MRG)
Lua Kae Tahi (Giscardians)
Rally for Wallis and Futuna-The Republicans (Rassemblement pour Wallis and Futuna) or RPWF-LR 
Socialist Party or PS
Taumu'a Lelei 
Union Pour la Democratie Francaise or UDF


General People’s Congress or GPC (3 factions: pro-Hadi, pro-Houthi, pro-Salih)
Nasserist Unionist People's Organization
National Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party
Southern Transitional Council or STC
Yemeni Reform Grouping or Islah
Yemeni Socialist Party or YSP


Alliance for Democracy and Development or ADD 
Forum for Democracy and Development or FDD 
Movement for Multiparty Democracy or MMD 
Party of National Unity and Progress or PNUP 
Patriotic Front or PF 
United Party for National Development or UPND 


Citizens Coalition for Change 
Movement for Democratic Change or MDC-T 
National People's Congress or NPC 
Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front or ZANU-PF 
Zimbabwe African Peoples Union or ZAPU